2015年2月28日 星期六

Jihadi John tells of paranoia at being shadowed by MI5

'I'm a dead man walking': Jihadi John tells of paranoia at being shadowed by MI5 before he went to Syria in bombshell email to Mail On Sunday

  • Islamic State killer sent astonishing emails to Mail on Sunday reporter
  • Executioner Jihadi John was this week unmasked as Mohammed Emwazi
  • The emails were sent to Security Editor Robert Verkaik in 2010 and 2011
  • Verkaik corresponded with Emwazi regarding his claims he was victimised
  • He claimed he was a 'dead man walking' and MI5 was closing in on him
  • They offer remarkable insight into his paranoid and extreme state of mind
  • Emwazi was a member of a secret Osama Bin Laden sleeper cell based in Britain called The London Boys, which planned to carry out atrocities in the West;
  • He was involved with a violent street gang who targeted the wealthy residents of Belgravia with stun guns;
  • Emwazi was arrested trying to force his way past security on to a passenger flight from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Johannesburg without a passport in 2009;
  • The IS executioner’s father was a policeman in Kuwait before he moved his family to Britain;
  • David Cameron will announce new plans to give spies greater powers to eavesdrop on terror suspects’ electronic communication.

The ISIS killer known as Jihadi John (pictured) claimed he was a 'dead man walking' in emails to a Mail on Sunday journalist
The ISIS killer known as Jihadi John (pictured) claimed he was a 'dead man walking' in emails to a Mail on Sunday journalist

The Islamic State killer known as Jihadi John revealed that he knew British security services were closing in on him and that he was a ‘dead man walking’ in astonishing emails to a Mail on Sunday journalist.

His emails were sent before he left Britain to join Islamic State in Syria.
At the time, Mohammed Emwazi, the man now unmasked as the knife-wielding fanatic, was claiming to be an innocent victim of MI5 persecution.

Emwazi, who would go on to orchestrate at least six hostage murders in Syria, said the harassment affected him so badly he was contemplating suicide. ‘I’ll take as many pills as I can so that I will sleep for ever,’ he warned. His emails to Security Editor Robert Verkaik in December 2010 and 2011 offer a remarkable insight into his state of mind at a time when he was already deeply immersed in extremism.
Some verge on the paranoid, with frequent complaints that his every move is being shadowed by intelligence officers.
The news comes amid a series of revelations that:
  • Emwazi was a member of a secret Osama Bin Laden sleeper cell based in Britain called The London Boys, which planned to carry out atrocities in the West;
  • He was involved with a violent street gang who targeted the wealthy residents of Belgravia with stun guns;
  • Emwazi was arrested trying to force his way past security on to a passenger flight from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Johannesburg without a passport in 2009;
  • The IS executioner’s father was a policeman in Kuwait before he moved his family to Britain;
  • David Cameron will announce new plans to give spies greater powers to eavesdrop on terror suspects’ electronic communication.

Having advertised his laptop on classified adverts website Gumtree, he went to meet a prospective buyer at Maida Vale underground station near his West London home.
He wrote, ungrammatically: ‘When I sell anything via internet i always only write my surname in the ad... I went to meet that person... so that he could have a look at the laptop & if it satisfied him then he would buy it...

‘That person to my surprise didn’t even bother looking to see of the laptop works or not!!! (when you buy something, from someone you’ve never seen before you most likely would test the product!!)...

‘Anyway, in a matter of seconds, I gave him the laptop (thinking that hes going to test the laptop) & he gave me the money straight-away... We “shacked hands” & he said “nice doing business with you Mohammed”. I NEVER TOLD THIS PERSON MY FIRST NAME!! & I NEVER GIVE OUT MY FIRST NAME!! IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO KNOW MY FIRST NAME!!’

He added: ‘I felt shocked, & paused for a few seconds as he walked away... I knew it was them!! Sometimes i feel like im a dead man walking, not fearing they may kill me.

‘Rather, fearing that one day, I’ll take as many pills as I can so that I can sleep for ever!! I just want to get away from these people!!!’

Shy schoolboy who became world's most wanted fanatic 

Peering over a classmate's shoulder during a game of chess, this is the boy who would become the merciless terrorist butcher Jihadi John.

The image, exclusive to The Mail on Sunday, shows ten-year-old Mohammed Emwazi in his last week at St Mary Magdalene Church of England primary school in Maida Vale, West London.

A former classmate said: 'I was horrified to find out the Mohammed I spent years with was this person.

'I don't know what happened in his life to turn him into this. This was the last week of Year 6 and we were having fun before going our separate ways.'

Mohammed Emwazi, aged ten, peers over a classmate's shoulder in his last week at St Mary Magdalene Church of England primary school, west London
Mohammed Emwazi, aged ten, peers over a classmate's shoulder in his last week at St Mary Magdalene Church of England primary school, west London

Did he fly the 'flag of jihadis' at Harrow rally celebrating 9/11? 

This is believed to be Jihadi John attending a hate-filled rally outside a mosque where one of the killers of Drummer Lee Rigby gave a speech.

Mohammed Emwazi is said to have attended the demonstration outside the Harrow Central Mosque in North-West London in 2009 to 'celebrate' the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

During the rally, which attracted at least 1,500 people, Michael Adebolajo spoke to the crowd of his contempt for 'unbelievers'. Adebolajo – who is in prison for Rigby's murder – said: 'They are pigs. Allah says they are worse than cattle. Do not be scared of them. And do not turn your back to them. Don't be scared of them, or police, or the cameras.'

Onlookers said they also saw a tall Kuwaiti man, believed to be Emwazi, masked with a scarf, and holding aloft a black flag with the Islamic testimony of faith in Arabic.

The flag is usually associated with extremists and jihadis. 

This photo is believed to be of Emwazi, now known as Jihadi John, flying a 'jihadi' flag outside a mosque
This photo is believed to be of Emwazi, now known as Jihadi John, flying a 'jihadi' flag outside a mosque

Emwazi claimed the constant harassment wrecked his relationships with women. To illustrate a possible story, he said he would send ‘a picture of one of my past girlfriends, but I must ask her permission’.

It was not forthcoming.

Verkaik recalled: ‘Like many young Muslim men at the time who I had interviewed, he appeared to have a grievance against the police and MI5. But this man was different – in him was a warped sense of injustice that could never justify the barbaric acts of murder that he has gone on to carry out in Syria.’

Details of Emwazi’s remarkable encounter with The Mail on Sunday emerged as it was revealed that he was once part of a terrorist unit tasked by Osama Bin Laden with launching atrocities in Britain.

He was a member of a ‘sleeper’ cell dubbed The London Boys, which included three operatives allegedly trained at an Al Qaeda camp in Somalia. All three were close associates of Emwazi. Until now, Emwazi was thought only to have been a peripheral figure among the capital’s Islamic extremists. Yet a court document seen by this newspaper alleges that he was closely involved in the cell’s activities, including the ‘provision of funds and equipment to Somalia... for terrorism related activity’.

Before his death, Bin Laden sent ‘angry’ messages from his Pakistan hideout urging those returning from training to carry out attacks.

Inevitably, the depth of Emwazi’s involvement in extremism – during a period when he was being monitored by MI5 – will increase pressure on security chiefs, who have faced criticism for failing to stop him joining IS in Syria.

Details of Emwazi’s involvement in the terror cell emerged during a ‘control order’ hearing at the High Court in London in 2011.

Source: the dailymail



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為什麼洗衣粉是熱的 ...


洗衣粉對我們的危害 對於常常和洗衣粉打交道的家庭主婦來說,它的危害是非常明顯的。洗衣粉會使得女性患上乳腺癌、也會出現子宮肌瘤、不孕症,同時還會加速造成動脈硬化、高血壓、心肌梗塞等血循環的病變


洗衣粉、洗滌劑、殺蟲劑、潔廁靈等家庭用清潔化學品含有鹼、發泡劑、脂肪酸、蛋白酶等有機物,其中的酸性物質能從皮膚組織中吸出水分,使蛋白凝固;而鹼性物質除吸出水分外,還能使組織蛋白變性並破壞細胞膜,損害比酸性物質更加嚴重。洗滌用品中所含的陽離子、陰離子表面活性劑,能除去皮膚表面的油性保護層,進而腐蝕皮膚,對皮膚的傷害也很大。常使用洗滌劑還可導致面部出現“蝴蝶形色素沉著”(即蝴蝶斑)。 能除去皮膚表面的油性保護層,進而腐蝕皮膚,對皮膚的傷害也很大

2、免疫功能受損 一些漂白劑、洗滌劑、清潔劑中所含的熒光劑、增白劑成分,侵入人體後,不像一般化學成分那樣容易被分解,而是在人體內蓄積,大大削減人體免疫力。熒光劑與傷口外的蛋白質結合,還會阻礙傷口的癒合;熒光劑還能使人體細胞出現變異性傾向,其毒性累積在肝臟或其它重要器官,會成為潛在的致癌因素。

3、血液系統受損 化學物質會使我們體內的血液受到污染,雖然血液有一定的自凈能力,少量的有害物質進入體內,會被它自凈給稀釋、分解、吸附最後排出體外,但是大量的有害物質一起進入體內的話,就會發生質變了。 清潔用品中的化學物質進入血液循環,會破壞紅細胞的細胞膜,引起溶血現象。不少含天然生物精華物的沐浴液,常含有防腐劑等化學物質,也是血液污染之源。用於防衣物蟲蛀的“衛生球”,主要成分為煤焦油中分離出來的精萘。長期吸入衛生球揮發出的萘氣,會造成機體慢性中毒,抑制骨髓造血功能,使人出現貧血、肝功能下降等現象。

4、神經系統受損 一些空氣清潔劑中所含的人工合成芳香物質能對神經系統造成慢性毒害,致人出現頭暈、噁心、嘔吐、食慾減退等癥狀。殺蟲劑含除蟲菊類毒性物質,用來殺滅蒼蠅等飛蟲的樹脂大都用敵敵畏處理過,這些毒性物質能毒害神經並誘發癌症。不同類型的清潔劑混用,可能導致的後果更嚴重。據報道,日本在13個月內有19人因此而中毒死亡,美國在5個月中有547人因接觸表面活性劑而中毒。

5、生殖系統受損 清潔劑中的烴類物質,可致女性卵巢喪失功能;烷基磺酸鹽等化學成分可通過皮膚粘膜吸收。若孕婦經常使用,可致卵細胞變性,卵子死亡。科學家在研究不孕症過程中,發現不少婦女的不孕與長期使用洗滌劑關係密切。在懷孕早期,洗滌劑中的某些化學物質還有致胎兒畸形的危險。 

對人體的危害 大部分漂白劑都含有一種名為次氯酸鈉的化學物質,它具有很強的腐蝕性,會釋放出具有刺激性的有毒氣體,過度接觸可能對肺部和頭髮造成損傷。漂白劑和氨水產品(常用作家庭清潔劑)同時使用尤其危險,因為兩者會發生化學反應,釋放出氯氣。