而麗展的倫敦收租生意也愈做愈大,集中投資Leadenhall Street,周福安早前向傳媒透露,會視乎租約於2023年到期及英國脱歐情況,才落實重建計劃。若落實重建,總樓面面積會由目前的30多萬平方呎,增至130萬平方呎,估計現價建築費約4.5億英鎊。
至於今次收購的「聖安德魯斯費爾蒙酒店(Fairmont St Andrews)」,根據麗新的新聞稿,聖安德魯斯費爾蒙酒店乃佔地520畝之五星級酒店,位於「高爾夫誕生地」,擁有The Kittocks及The Torrance兩座錦標賽高爾夫球場, 周邊環境豪華、優雅,非常合乎岳少識玩識食的品味,又有10間水療房、5間餐館及酒吧、 3000平方米之會議室及賽事場地,以及兩個私人莊園(各擁有4間臥房)外,招呼政商朋友一流。
19 則留言:
1 , 許晉亨其豪宅位於港島 石澳 大浪灣道10號
2 , 大浪灣道11號在地圖上該大屋顯示名字為 Wits En
3 , 大浪灣道 12 號 屬於電訊盈科主席李澤楷的名下
4 , 騰訊控股主席馬化騰,重建旗下石澳大浪灣道13號屋
5 , 大浪灣道 14 號在地圖上該大屋顯示名字為 Anne Marden
6 , 大浪灣道 15 號在地圖上該大屋顯示名字為 The Rock
7 , 大浪灣道 16 號持有者為信和置業主席黃志祥 。
8 , 大浪灣道 18 號在地圖上該大屋顯示名字為 Benvai
9 ,大浪灣道 19 號持有者為榮豐國際執行董事鍾斌銓 , 該處地皮面積約 43,600 方呎
10 , 大浪灣道 21 號持有者為南豐集團主席陳廷驊女兒陳慧慧 , 該處佔地約 22,000 方
11 , 大浪灣道 20 號持有者為其士國際主席周亦卿 。
12 , 大浪灣道 22 號 持有者為九倉主席吳光正
13 ,大浪灣道 23 號 持有者為環球 ( 香港 ) 投資公司主席兼董事總經理鄭維健博士
資料顯示,上述物業原由ALBACORE LIMITED持有,公司董事包括資深大律師、前公民黨黨魁余若薇及其家人,物業於1988年以約230萬元購入,持貨至今近33年,帳面賺約3,370萬元,升值近15倍。據了解,單位去年開始放盤,當時叫價4,200萬元。
Najib Razak’s house
PETALING JAYA (May 25): Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s house could possibly be worth at least RM12 million, according to estimates made by real estate experts familiar with the area and based on recent transactions of bungalows in the area.
The house has been in the spotlight lately following police searches on the property as part of its 1MDB investigations.
Ever wondered how big the house is since it took four days for 60 officers to search the property?
As information on the house could not be obtained, such as the land area, built-up as well as land status, the REAL value of the house remains unknown, for now.
However, an online property listing dated March 14 this year showed that a partially furnished two-storey bungalow located at Jalan Langgak Duta with a land area of 37,000 sq ft asked for RM17.5 million.
Fernstate Realty principal Shawn Fernandez noted that transaction prices for freehold landed residential property in Taman Duta and its immediate neighbour Kenny Hills tend to follow the values of similar homes in Bukit Damansara very closely.
“Therefore, a minimum range of RM400 to RM550 psf would be reasonable for freehold land. Of course, if there is a dwelling structure on the property, then one would have to place a value on the structure,” he said.
He said the exclusive location and proximity to KL city centre are the area’s main draw but the steep prices and leasehold status could deter buyers.
Savills Malaysia managing director Datuk Sr Paul Khong said it is hard to estimate the actual value for the house unless valuers are given opportunity to go in the house to carry out the valuation process.
“Taman Duta is on hilly terrain, although the land area may look big but the actual built-up for the houses could be varied due to the terrain,” he explained.
According to him, built-up sizes of bungalows along Jalan Langgak Duta range from 7,000 sq ft to 52,000 sq ft, with some bungalows even having basements. Based on past transactions, the current price for bungalows in Taman Duta could be up to RM500 psf.
Both noted that most of the properties there are leasehold, some with just around 50 years of lease left.
“The land size of landed homes in Taman Duta are usually quite huge, making them expensive t0 purchase.
2009年馬化騰以1.57億元,購入大坑名門3座57及58樓 A、 B及 C室全層3個複式戶,面積共7,183方呎,呎價21,857元
By Time Out Hong Kong Posted:
Wednesday 25 May 2016
The most expensive property in HK
1.The Redhill Peninsula, Tai Tam Asking: $880m (2014) Shot of houses sprawled along Tai Tam coastline Introducing the most expensive house in Hong Kong – and it’s currently on the market. For the outrageous price, you can grab this 3,013sq ft Tai Tam townhouse, complete with its four bedrooms, a powder room, three bathrooms, a maid’s room, a garden, a fitted kitchen, a terrace and, of course, the quintessential car park.
2.10 Skyhigh, Pollock’s Path, The Peak Sold: $800m (2011) Money ain’t a thang, just look at my pinky ring – this is the most expensive residential property ever sold in Hong Kong. Located on Pollock’s Path, a road last year ranked as the most expensive street in the world, the 8,300sq ft house at 10 Skyhigh – a joint venture between film doyen Stephen Chow and Ryoden Development – sold in 2011 to an undisclosed owner for a whopping $800m.
3. 8, 28 Barker Rd, The Peak Sold: $740m (2013) Most pricy investments require the involvement of a bank. But not for Chinese lawyer Raymond Li, the owner of this Peak property, who paid $740 million, mostly in cold, hard cash (in suitcases, we wonder?). At three storeys and 6,863sq ft, it includes five bedrooms, two car parks and a rooftop pool with an outstanding view of Victoria Harbour. It has it in spades over the 6,847sq ft House 7, which wealthy philanthropist Qian Fenglei bought for $690m, with a 1,822sq ft garden to boot. Bargain.
4. 3 Gough Hill Rd, The Peak Sold: $650m (2013) In 2013, this 5,145sq ft villa became the third most expensive home in Hong Kong, after garment exporter Peter Law Kin-sang sold the property for $650 million in what some have called 2013’s most notable deal in the luxury residence market. The price translates to a ridiculous $126,336 per square foot!
5. 8 Pollock’s Path, The Peak Sold: $580m (2011) It’s no wonder European diplomats love The Peak – the temperate region must remind them of their digs back home. This patch of land used to belong to the former French Consulate and commands views over Hong Kong Island and Victoria Harbour. It’s a grade II historic building, measures 11,222sq ft and was sold at an average of $51,684 per square foot.
6. House 3, 28 Barker Rd, The Peak Sold: $538m (2013) Real estate agents know their property – particularly Vivien Chan, the chairwoman of the Estate Agents Authority, who owns this piece of prime real estate on Barker Road. This residence in the seven-storey building measures in at 5,706sq ft and sold for $538m just last year.
7. 11/F, Opus, Stubbs Rd, Mid-Levels Asking: $470m Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - Shot of Stubbs, Mid Levels This apartment in the famed Frank-Gehry-designed Opus hit headlines last year for the price it couldn’t attract: $470m. If it had sold at this price, it would have made the 5,409sq ft space the most expensive apartment in the city per square foot – a record currently held by, you guessed it, another apartment in Opus, which sold for $455m in 2012.
8. 66/F, 39 Conduit Rd, Mid-Levels Sold: $360m (2011) Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - View of Central from Conduit Rd, Mid-levels While Conduit Road might only be the second-highest road in Western Mid-Levels, this 66th floor apartment takes you way up into the clouds. In fact, it is the tallest building in the area with glorious views of Victoria Harbour. With 24 units up for sale, the 5,636sq ft Unit A sold the highest for $360.7m back in 2011.
9. Sky House, The Arch, West Kowloon Sold: $226m (2008) Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - The Arch, Kowloon Hey, it’s Kowloon’s most expensive property! This 5,497sq ft West Kowloon apartment includes the Moon Tower penthouse and the rooftop – essentially, a two-storey pad with a decent view of the moon too. Selling at a mere $41,125 per square foot, it also shows that Kowloon is where the value is at.
10. 51/F, Branksome Crest, Mid-Levels Sold: $203m (2010)
集團九五年開設第一間酒店(西貢溫莎酒店),過去十多年先後開設多間高級餐廳,包括華人結婚飲宴首選的銀庭酒家,位處第一郡阮惠街(Nguyen Hue St)的扒房Amigo Grill餐廳,又開設Gartenstadt德國餐廳,位於市中心新華廣場的阮惠中央咖啡廳則於○二年開設。
數口精 投資穩
泡沫爆破 上市受挫
不過朱立基並沒有氣餒,仍在密謀捲土重來,期間在越南積極吸納儲備,進一步壯大公司的物業版圖。與朱立基認識超越十年,有「越南通」之稱本地商人方世歷指出:「這幾年來朱立基在越南四出買地起樓,據悉正在動工的樓盤亦有三個,過去港商在越南買地,往往只能夠取得胡志明市周邊土地,朱憑太太張美蘭在當地政商界的關係,成功取得不少市中心的地皮,當中包括第一郡市中心阮惠坊(Nguyen Hue Avenue)及Dong Khoi商業地王Times Square項目,將發展成為全胡志明市最高的商廈,以現時朱立基的實力,再次來港上市亦大有可能。」
Times Square 市值三十五億
本刊到越南走訪,發現朱立基在市中心所持有的物業,包括萬盛發位處第一郡陳興道街(Tran Hung Dao,胡志明市最繁忙街道)的總部,旗下五星級酒店溫莎大酒店(Windsor Plaza Hotel),位處於第三郡使館區服務式住宅Sherwood Residence,都屬於市中心靚地。新近亦取得第五郡的順橋廣場,計劃重新改造。
「朱立基的越南物業中,最值錢肯定是Times Square,樓高三十九層,超越現時全市最高的西貢貿易市心(物業樓高三十三層),勢必成為胡志明市的新地標。」一名當地人表示,項目現正處於地基工程,最快兩、三年後落成。按○七年世邦魏理仕(CBRE)估值,約為二十五點六億港元,今天保守估計最新市值達三十五億港元。
與此同時,朱立基亦積極於胡志明市南部的平政郡(Binh Chanh)「圈地」,過去已先後取得兩至三幅,其中一幅佔地面積廣達二十五點六公頃土地,相等於兩個維多利亞公園,他計劃打造成為越南豪宅社區美富興(第七郡)的翻版,發展成高級分層住宅和獨立洋房的豪宅社區,估計市值超越二十億元。有「越南通」之稱的方世歷透露,據悉近年朱立基積極拉攏香港發展商到越南投資,希望引入香港投資者,進一步擴大版圖。
之前有報道指呂麗君現居於白加道31號A獨立屋,但據知這間屋其實是呂麗君仍與劉鑾雄在一起時,借給呂麗君的父母居住,分手後因遲遲未有搬遷,故呂麗君於2015年以租住方式租用了一年,呂麗君的父母亦在租約屆滿的2016年9月前搬走了;該宅曾屬劉鑾雄所有,現屬劉鑾雄的相關人士透過Crown Castle公司持有。呂麗君現居住的,其實是白建時道12號豪宅,業權屬劉鑾雄的太太甘比(陳凱韻),劉鑾雄同意讓呂麗君暫住,是為了方便呂麗君照顧和陪伴一對兒女所安排的居所。而雅賓利道單位連車位,是劉鑾雄以信託形式送給女兒劉秀盈的禮物,呂麗君只是以託管人身分暫時持有,實際屬兩父女一同擁有。
令人感到奇怪是,呂麗君否認健身教練是男友,以及被傳投資失利虧損近20億港元的報道;但從沒澄清過傳媒誤報劉鑾雄向其送贈物業及所居的地址。此外,呂麗君為劉鑾雄誕下的大女劉秀盈去年突然在社交網貼出兒時被父親擁 的照片、單方面高調晒親情,疑有人默許大打溫情牌以修補父女關係。
■劉秀盈早前突然在社交網貼出兒時被父親擁 的照片。
物業資產,實際持有人並非呂麗君!據知,山頂白加道三十一號A獨立屋連花園及私人泳池原本是大劉借給呂麗君父母暫住的地方,二人分手後,一度改以租住形式,事隔一年後租約期滿,目前由大劉關連人士透過CROWN CASTLE LIMITED持有。而呂麗君一對子女所住的渣甸山白建時道十二號大宅是大劉安排給他們的住所,呂麗君則以照顧子女為由同住,真正的持有人為甘比。至於市值約9,000萬的中半山雅賓利大廈單位連車位則由大劉與女兒劉秀盈共同持有,而呂麗君以託管人的身分暫時持有。大劉亦從未贈予她遊艇及英國6層高大宅,呂麗君只是曾經住過該大宅而已。
£70 million for Eaton Square house with gold-plated pool
Lavish London home with a gold-lined swimming pool is set to smash all records after being put up for sale for £70 million.
The price tag values the Belgravia house at an “unheard of” £6,500 a square foot, exceeding even the Candy brothers’ apartments at One Hyde Park.
The six-floor property is in Eaton Square, where Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi used to live and where James Bond had his fictional home. Nearby residents include Roman Abramovich and Baroness Thatcher.
If the asking price is met it will become the most expensive house in pounds per square foot in London — and would generate almost £5 million in stamp duty for the Government.
The property would also have doubled in value since last selling, for £33 million, in November 2009. Before that it changed hands for £9.5 million in December 2005.
The price has astonished London property experts and is the latest example of how “super-prime” London homes have soared in value since the banking crisis.
Its owner is Hong Kong property billionaire Joseph Lau who owns a Boeing 787 Dreamliner and one of the biggest collections of fine French wines.
The Grade II* listed Regency home was the subject of a massive refurbishment by its previous owner, South African former Del Monte boss Vivian Imerman. He commissioned his interior designer daughter Bianca Ladow — known as “the female Candy” — to turn the former Belgian embassy into a “money no object” billionaire’s residence.
Comforts include a 41ft swimming pool with gold leaf tiles under a gold panelled ceiling; a “mini spa” with Jacuzzi, gymnasium, steam room and sauna and “treatment suite”; a cinema room with white quartz flooring; a kitchen decorated with mother of pearl and platinum; gilded golf leaf ceiling cornices, a lift and a “winter garden” with a sliding glass roof allowing al fresco entertaining in summer.
The 10,700 sq ft property, which went on the market last month with Knight Frank, also includes a mews house to its rear that has been converted into a leather lined garage for four cars with a staff flat above.
Mr Imerman sold the house during his bitter divorce from Lisa Tchenguiz, the younger sister of property magnates Vincent and Robert Tchenguiz.
The property was built in 1827 by architect Thomas Cubitt. It was bought by the Belgian government in 1920 after the Belgian ambassador attended a dinner party there.
During the Second World War it served as the headquarters of the Belgian government-in-exile and was visited by Winston Churchill, Field Marshal Montgomery and General Eisenhower.
名人紛入市 董建華首置購嘉慧園
The most expensive property in HK
1.The Redhill Peninsula, Tai Tam Asking: $880m (2014) Shot of houses sprawled along Tai Tam coastline Introducing the most expensive house in Hong Kong – and it’s currently on the market. For the outrageous price, you can grab this 3,013sq ft Tai Tam townhouse, complete with its four bedrooms, a powder room, three bathrooms, a maid’s room, a garden, a fitted kitchen, a terrace and, of course, the quintessential car park.
2.10 Skyhigh, Pollock’s Path, The Peak Sold: $800m (2011) Money ain’t a thang, just look at my pinky ring – this is the most expensive residential property ever sold in Hong Kong. Located on Pollock’s Path, a road last year ranked as the most expensive street in the world, the 8,300sq ft house at 10 Skyhigh – a joint venture between film doyen Stephen Chow and Ryoden Development – sold in 2011 to an undisclosed owner for a whopping $800m.
3. 8, 28 Barker Rd, The Peak Sold: $740m (2013) Most pricy investments require the involvement of a bank. But not for Chinese lawyer Raymond Li, the owner of this Peak property, who paid $740 million, mostly in cold, hard cash (in suitcases, we wonder?). At three storeys and 6,863sq ft, it includes five bedrooms, two car parks and a rooftop pool with an outstanding view of Victoria Harbour. It has it in spades over the 6,847sq ft House 7, which wealthy philanthropist Qian Fenglei bought for $690m, with a 1,822sq ft garden to boot. Bargain.
4. 3 Gough Hill Rd, The Peak Sold: $650m (2013) In 2013, this 5,145sq ft villa became the third most expensive home in Hong Kong, after garment exporter Peter Law Kin-sang sold the property for $650 million in what some have called 2013’s most notable deal in the luxury residence market. The price translates to a ridiculous $126,336 per square foot!
5. 8 Pollock’s Path, The Peak Sold: $580m (2011) It’s no wonder European diplomats love The Peak – the temperate region must remind them of their digs back home. This patch of land used to belong to the former French Consulate and commands views over Hong Kong Island and Victoria Harbour. It’s a grade II historic building, measures 11,222sq ft and was sold at an average of $51,684 per square foot.
6. House 3, 28 Barker Rd, The Peak Sold: $538m (2013) Real estate agents know their property – particularly Vivien Chan, the chairwoman of the Estate Agents Authority, who owns this piece of prime real estate on Barker Road. This residence in the seven-storey building measures in at 5,706sq ft and sold for $538m just last year.
7. 11/F, Opus, Stubbs Rd, Mid-Levels Asking: $470m Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - Shot of Stubbs, Mid Levels This apartment in the famed Frank-Gehry-designed Opus hit headlines last year for the price it couldn’t attract: $470m. If it had sold at this price, it would have made the 5,409sq ft space the most expensive apartment in the city per square foot – a record currently held by, you guessed it, another apartment in Opus, which sold for $455m in 2012.
8. 66/F, 39 Conduit Rd, Mid-Levels Sold: $360m (2011) Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - View of Central from Conduit Rd, Mid-levels While Conduit Road might only be the second-highest road in Western Mid-Levels, this 66th floor apartment takes you way up into the clouds. In fact, it is the tallest building in the area with glorious views of Victoria Harbour. With 24 units up for sale, the 5,636sq ft Unit A sold the highest for $360.7m back in 2011.
9. Sky House, The Arch, West Kowloon Sold: $226m (2008) Hong Kong's Top 10 Expensive homes - The Arch, Kowloon Hey, it’s Kowloon’s most expensive property! This 5,497sq ft West Kowloon apartment includes the Moon Tower penthouse and the rooftop – essentially, a two-storey pad with a decent view of the moon too. Selling at a mere $41,125 per square foot, it also shows that Kowloon is where the value is at.
10. 51/F, Branksome Crest, Mid-Levels Sold: $203m (2010)
10 most expensive streets in Cambridge
Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2
Latham Road, Cambridge CB2
Cranmer Road, Cambridge CB3
Millington Road, Cambridge CB3
Clarkson Road, Cambridge CB3
Barrow Road, Cambridge CB2
Gazeley Road, Cambridge CB2
Woodlands Road, Cambridge CB22
The most expensive streets in Cambridge
1.Storeys Way is one of the places I visited, and I went to it with a certain expectation in my mind of a fancy area with mansion-type houses as I already knew what it costs to live in such as place.
Storeys Way is located in Castle ward, not far from Kettle's Yard house and modern art museum.
It's also right by the heart of the city where with just a short walk you could be crossing the River Cam over the famous Bridge of Sighs.
Here the average price of a property is over £2 million so I expected to see that reflected in its surroundings.
This street wasn't exactly what I anticipated when visiting an area full of so much wealth as there there were some strange buildings and flats just around the corner.
While this certainly does not mean the area wasn't very nice with many large houses, its wealth was more hidden than other areas.
To try and explain it more simply, I would say if you were to visit this street not knowing it was in Cambridge you probably wouldn't have guessed the property prices. However, knowing the high cost of living in the city meant I was not surprised.
2. Cranmer Road left me with a similar feeling but for a different reason.
While it had the style of a very expensive street with fairly large houses, it was a simple, long thin road filled with many cars.
The buildings were not packed with character so while driving down it all I can say is that I didn't think much of it.
Cranmer Road is surrounded by Cambridge University sports grounds and is perfectly situated for anyone popping into the city centre.
The average property price here is again over £2 million and while it is clearly a place anybody would be more than happy to live, it doesn't strike you as incredibly well off.
3. Clarkson Road is another in the top 10 of the most expensive streets in Cambridge.
It's just a short walk from St John's College playing fields with an average property price of £2,218,1456 to be exact.
It was filed with big trees, a mixture of old and new buildings which appeared to be very large and was isolated from the areas around it.
While £2 million properties may not scream humble, that is how I would describe this street. Despite being noticeably prosperous it seemed like a peaceful, striking me as an area families would live in.
Its tall trees make it a very pretty area and somewhere you would struggle to find a fault.
4. Chaucer Road was the first street I visited where I could visible tell that anyone who resides there would be the wealthiest among us.
Near Cambridge city centre, it is a short walk from the beautiful Botanic Gardens. It's also not far from the River Cam for picturesque evening strolls.
Its location is sure to be part of what has upped its property value but its beautiful scenery must be the next reason.
Here the average property price is over £3 million, the highest on this list so far.