2014年10月31日 星期五

Elderly couple love Torquay holidays

  • Sid and Joyce Goode, from Nottingham, go to Torquay six times a year
  • They stay in Abbey Lawn hotel where they relax and 'watch world go by'
  • Couple admit now they are not so mobile they enjoy the swimming pool

  • They say a great holiday should leave you wanting more. 
    One holidaying couple has taken the notion to new heights by returning to their favourite seaside location 60 times in the last 10 years.

    Pensioners Sid and Joyce Goode, of Nottingham, consider Torquay in Devon their home from home and such is their loyalty to the resort that they still visit six times every year.

    Holiday of dreams: Sid and Joyce Goode enjoy stays at Abbey Lawn Hotel so much they visit six times a year
    Holiday of dreams: Sid and Joyce Goode enjoy stays at Abbey Lawn Hotel so much they visit six times a year

    'The staff are so friendly': The pensioners like to sit and watch the world go by, do suduko puzzles and dance
    'The staff are so friendly': The pensioners like to sit and watch the world go by, do suduko puzzles and dance
    According to them, nothing beats the hospitality and warm welcome they receive at Abbey Lawn hotel behind Torquay seafront.

    Sid said: 'When we were in our 80s we loved to dance, so having a dance floor bigger than a postage stamp made the Abbey Lawn perfect for us.

    'Now that we are not so mobile we appreciate the two swimming pools and lots of space to read the papers, chat to guests and relax.

    Milestone: In December Sid will celebrate his 90th birthday at  hotel and  couple will return next year
    Milestone: In December Sid will celebrate his 90th birthday at hotel and couple will return next year

    According to the Goodes, nothing beats the hospitality at Abbey Lawn hotel behind Torquay seafront
    According to the Goodes, nothing beats the hospitality at Abbey Lawn hotel behind Torquay seafront

    'The staff are so friendly.
    'The manager Barry is a one-off. I love his sense of humour you can always have a laugh with him.

    'In the evenings we have entertainment laid on so there is always something happening and we don't get bored.

    'I have my routine of getting the paper, having breakfast and doing a suduko puzzle.
    'We like to watch the world go by rather than rushing about on trips and we sometimes look after Barry's dog.'

    Sid is looking forward to celebrating his 90th birthday at the hotel in December and the couple have already booked nine luxury coach tours with Robinsons Holidays to the location next year.

    Place in the sun: After 60 visits over 10 years the pensioners consider Torquay in Devon a home from home
    Place in the sun: After 60 visits over 10 years the pensioners consider Torquay in Devon a home from home

    Sunshine: A view of two deck chars on the promenade in Torquay
    Sunshine: A view of two deck chars on the promenade in Torquay

    Rob Lyng, Robinsons director, said: 'It is wonderful Mr and Mrs Goode enjoy their stays with us so much they return time after time to Torquay.

    'To thank them for their years of loyal custom, we are going to give them a free holiday.

    'It is the least we can do for two of our favourite guests.'

    source: The mail

    Ashley rocked her edgy cool look

    Ashley Tisdaile rocked her edgy cool look with brown cat eye framed sunglasses and a black leather handbag to match her ensemble.

    The Emmy winner also flashed her wedding bling - a massive cushion-cut diamond engagement ring and gold wedding band.

    Stylish: The recently married High School Musical star, 29, covered up in a black leather jacket and white hat
    Edgy cool: Ashley wore her long blonde locks down in loose natural waves, looking the epitome of California style while rocking a pair of brown cat eye framed sunglasses and a black leather handbag to match

    Edgy cool: Ashley wore her long blonde locks down in loose natural waves, looking the epitome of California style while rocking a pair of brown cat eye framed sunglasses and a black leather handbag to match
    Ashley wore her long blonde locks down in loose natural waves, looking the epitome of California style while rocking a pair of brown cat eye framed sunglasses and a black leather handbag to match

    Tisdale and her musician beau Christopher French wed September 8 at Villa Sevillano in Montecito.

    The couple then honeymooned in Bora Bora following their secret summer nuptials.
    Ashley recently said of the new chapter in their relationship: 'It feels different but doesn't. It's like I married my best friend. It's the best feeling in the world.'

    She added: 'This relationship was definitely different from any other relationship I ever had...Nothing is forced. It's the best feeling ever.'

    Fr. the Mail

    Reese Witherspoon has a huge chunk of change selling her Brentwood mansion

    The 38-year-old actress has sold off the last portion of her Brentwood compound for a stunning $10.068 million.

    And Reese is clearly pleased, smiling away as she headed to lunch in Beverly Hills, California, on Thursday.

    Celebrating? Reese Witherspoon headed to lunch in Beverly Hills, California, as news broke she had sold off the last portion of her Brentwood compound
    Celebrating? Reese Witherspoon headed to lunch in Beverly Hills, California, as news broke she had sold off the last portion of her Brentwood compound

    Trulia reports the Walk The Line star had originally listed the massive Brentwood home for $14 million in June.

    But, showing her savvy business side, the actress split off part of the land that had a separate 'tear down' house on it to sell separately.
    The property - which had a three bedroom home on it - sold for $3.55 million last month and was initially intended to become part of her sprawling when she purchased it in 2012.

    Feeling good: The 38-year-old was clearly pleased, smiling away as she stopped for a bite
    Feeling good: The 38-year-old was clearly pleased.

    From the Mail

    2014年10月30日 星期四



     聲明指出,民主發展應以法治為基礎, 但「佔中」行動推崇違法抗命,有如人身的細胞過度生長,最終形成癌症,蠶食香港的核心價值。聲明又指,尊重個人的自主權,呼籲沉默的大多數發聲;作為醫生,他們會緊守崗位,令病人康復,支持警方專業執法,讓市民可重新使用道路,使香港盡快「康復」。



     李嘉誠表示,理解同學們的熱情,但強調「追求」要以智慧導航,所有人都應謹守法治。香港警隊一直守護法紀,如法治缺堤,將會是香港最大的悲哀。 李嘉誠說,年輕的示威者們,有著父母、家人、香港人及中央的關心,並已成功傳遞心情信息,大家都聽到。
     李嘉誠懇請大家不要激動,不要讓今天的激情,變成明天的遺憾,懇切呼籲大家馬上回到家人的身旁。 李嘉誠重申,這幾十年中國改革開放的決心從沒有動搖,說明只要邁出第一步,空間便無限大。加上今天的國家領導人正風立政以法治國的決心,民族是很有希望的。


    作為一個有36年經驗的執法人員,我對現時香港法治面臨崩潰的情況,非常憂心!我特別想指出兩個重點: 一)催淚彈殺傷力最低 除此以外別無他法 一般人實在很容易站在所謂的「道德高地」去譴責警方使用催淚彈驅散群眾, 但從執法角度去看,當時面對數以萬計的群眾違法佔據整條夏愨道、干諾道中和金鐘道,即時已癱瘓整個中區交通,警方應該怎樣處理?是不是任由示威者佔領,一直癱瘓全港九交通,還是應該履行法律責任,盡快執法清場,回復秩序? 

    如果同意要清場的話,請問有何更好建議?事實上,當佔領人士早就準備眼罩和雨傘「防護裝備」去抗衡警方的胡椒噴霧,並且不斷用暴力衝擊警方防線,警方在無數次呼籲市民盡快離開現場及不要衝擊警方防線仍不得要領下,警方只得考慮使用最低武力去控制場面,唯一的決定是使用不會對身體造成即時傷害(只要示威者肯即時離開!)的催淚彈! 撫心自問,警方當時還有甚麼更適當控制暴力場面的方法?難道要香港像美國紐約警察用警棍驅散「佔領華爾街」示威者,出現多人頭破血流的場面才是合理嗎?回想當時的情況,如果當時警方能夠順利清場,就不會發生現在包括旺角和銅鑼灣等地的佔領行動,令香港被全面癱瘓,並得到全港市民稱許。

     事實上,問題癥結是有人「違法在先」,警方用最低武力去執行法紀一向都是「國際標準」,請問何錯之有?香港警察聲名,飲譽全球,各國紀律部隊的交口稱譽,大家曾否聽過任何外國執法機構批評香港警方處理大型群眾活動的手法呢? 二)守法精神 – 香港的優良傳統不可棄 70年代的香港,貪污盛行、無法無天,四十年來下來,香港已成世界罪案率最低的城市之一,社會建立了知法守法的優良傳統。

    然而,到了今天,社會部份人士竟然可以歌頌年青人「非法佔領」主要幹道,不顧法紀亦不顧他人死活,市民知法守法的優良傳統恐怕會毀於一旦! 筆者始終認為,我們的年青一代都應該培養守秩序和守法的態度,多日來看見佔領地區發生的荒謬事件,例如設置路障檢查警車及救護車才放行、警員餐車被阻、在佔領區內嬉戲(打麻雀、打乒乓球、吃火鍋),無視佔領區週邊的交通情況,結果是令年輕人誤以會,目無法紀還可以理直氣壯。 更可怕的是,部份家長就特意帶小孩子到佔領區去教導他們所謂的「公民抗命」!

    難道我們願意看見,香港將來只要有數十名年青人,對某一社會事件或政策不滿,就隨便佔據主要幹道?又或者學生憑一已喜好,隨時不遵守校規罷課;對學校不滿,就隨時佔據校務處?更嚴重的,是市民隨便侮辱警務人員及其他公職人員,難道我們願意見香港經過多年來的努力建設的文明廉潔守法的社會從此被摧毀嗎? 筆者退休後到過很多「民主」國家傳授反貪秘訣,部份所謂民主國家貪污問題嚴重,主要原因就係社會缺乏法治精神。法治是香港頼以成功及保持廉潔的基石,故此,一旦香港市民的守法意識喪失,變成一個不法社會,70年代的嚴重貪污可能重現。 事態發展到現在這個惡劣的階段,我們唯有期望事情能順利解決,如果局面惡化到警方無力控制,後果可能非常嚴重!換個角度想想,如你是中國領導人,管治三十多個省、十三億人民,你有可能因為一個香港有幾萬人非法佔據街道而被逼讓步嗎?若然如此,中央何以應付同樣事情發生在新疆或西藏的獨立運動?

    筆者深信,中央絕不可能因「佔領」行動而讓步!結果,將可能正如明報九月二十九日的社評指出,中央逼不得己根據《基本法》第18條宣佈香港已經進入緊急狀態,從現在形勢看來,這並非天方夜譚!當然,對於那些希望看到香港一國兩制失敗的人,可能如願以償,但其他七百萬香港人就成為他們的陪葬品。 現在這個佔中行動已經失控,由年輕人主導,但他們大都入世未深,不懂分析大局,處事進退失據、出爾反爾,表現極不成熟。只憑滿腔熱血,這令我非常擔憂的。希望傳媒、政客和有良知的學者不要再搧風點火!參與抗爭的年青人能夠用宏觀的角度去深思香港與袓國的關系,明白中國面對的國際形勢及易地思考去理解中央對香港政改的立場。

    正確的方向,是積極參與第二輪的政改討論,爭取最高度民主去選出1200名提委會代表。 我誠心希望他們能夠馬上放棄佔領馬路,懸崖勒馬,否則相信大多數市民,尤其是前執法人員,一定堅決支持香港警方依法執法清場,及時採用適當武力,並將幕前幕後的主持人繩之於法,令香港社會再次明白違法是一定要受到法律制裁的真理!



    Japan's royal family has posed for official photographs to celebrate the New Year

    02 JANUARY 2014

      Japan's usually private royal family has posed for official photographs to celebrate the New Year.

    The formal pictures issued by the Imperial Palace, a rarity for what is the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world, show 80-year-old Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko, 79, surrounded by their two sons, their wives, and four grandchildren.

    In the intimate shot captured in a simple setting, the Emperor and Empress can be seen explaining a document to their grandson, Prince Hisahito, who will one day be emperor. Dressed smartly in a suit and tie, the seven-year-old is kneeling before them.

    The Empress looks over her grandchild’s shoulder, dressed in cream-coloured traditional Japanese attire.

    Meanwhile, her daughters-in-law Princess Masako and Princess Kiko wear cream skirt suits. Pearl necklaces and delicate earrings complete their colour co-ordinated outfits.

    Seated on either side of the Emperor and Empress are their sons Prince Naruhito and Prince Akishino.

    In the background of the photograph, Princess Mako, 22, and Princess Kako, 19 – both daughters of Prince Akishino and his wife – stand with their 12-year-old cousin Aiko, Princess Toshi.

    The photographs, which mark a new year, may also mark a move towards a show of both unity and modernity on behalf of Japan’s royals, who have rarely ever addressed the public.

    They come just weeks after the 50th birthday of Princess Masako, who issued a two-page public statement upon her coming of age.

    In it, the Japanese royal – who has been known to suffer from a long-term stress-induced illness – hinted at a brighter future.

    "I feel strong gratitude toward the many people who helped me get to where I am now," she wrote.

    "Since my birthday last year, I've been making efforts to accomplish my duties, whether business or personal, as much as possible."

    2014年10月26日 星期日

    全港首間食生(Raw Food)餐廳

    Raw Food(生機飲食)是新煮意,在外國也流行多時,但近月才開始在港興起,皆因一間以Raw Food做賣點的生機餐廳出現。這間生機餐廳是由綠色先鋒「祥哥」周兆祥一擲100萬元獨資開設,是全港首間全食生的餐廳,不設早餐及晚市,只做星期二至六午市。以「生食」為主題的小店開業...至今年10個月,訪問當天午市,坐滿了八九成,看似生意不錯,但原來在開業初期,生意曾慘不忍睹。原來他當初沒想過Raw Food在港人心目中屬生冷食物,小廚開幕初期正值冬天,結果很多人怕生冷,試過午市只得小貓三四隻,連續多天客量只得單位數字。直至踏入今個夏季,生意開始有轉機,甚至試過出現排隊人龍等入座。



    Source : iMoney 

    2014年10月25日 星期六

    Put yourself first

    This might surprise you, but as a CEO I am always more interested in individual performance, rather than that of the team.
    Firstly, it’s simpler to make individuals accountable. Let’s face it, for some, the temptation to hide within a team is just too great. Secondly, all outcomes in business and life emanate from the good or bad behavior of individuals. All that matters to me is that people are respectful of each other.
    Accordingly, I am always watching for human traits that differ from those often suggested in “it’s all about the team” management theories. Here's what I look to enhance or import into my business:
    1. A degree of selfishness
    I look for a level of selfishness that drives an ambition to achieve. In my view, it’s both reasonable and unsurprising that many people possess a level of self-interest - it is a boss’s responsibility to channel this energy into broader, positive outcomes for the business.
    2. Individuality
    Stamping your individuality on every aspect of your role, in the process bringing evidenced unique benefits to the business, is so important in standing out. You can test this by comparing your colleagues’ perceptions of your role now, with when you first took it on – for instance, has your scope of responsibility grown?
    3. Bounce-back ability
    Have you shown a bounce-back ability from having faced difficult scenarios at work? I bank on resilience as a trait I can never have enough of in staff members at all levels.
    4. Personal insight
    Some of the most intelligent people I know have a limited sense of themselves and their impact on others. I value people who continue to explore who they are by taking on different challenges. I rely on their desire for personal growth, as it will always add value.
    5. People person
    Do you exhibit a genuine interest in people? Without such a curiosity, it is highly unlikely you will appreciate the different drivers and circumstances that each person might possess.
    6. Influencer
    I am very supportive of people who can influence in the workplace by their actions, not just their words. That type of behaviour almost guarantees a positive leadership direction.
    7. Opportunist
    I love opportunists. They make the world go round with their consistent prospecting for business benefits over and above the obvious. If a boss can harness such qualities, many will be positively surprised.
    8. Game enough to say ‘no’
    Having the gumption to say ‘no’ in a difficult circumstance, for valid or constructive reasons, is often a test of maturity. Bosses need to trust the judgment of their staff.
    My truth is that promoting people with the above characteristics will ultimately give you the best chance to build a determined group, team and culture to achieve well beyond expectations.

    'A perfect day': Joan Rivers pushes her grandson Cooper on a swing in flashback snap shared by grieving daughter Melissa

    She is struggling through the pain of losing her mother Joan Rivers.
    'A perfect day': Joan Rivers pushes her grandson Cooper on a swing in flashback snap shared by grieving daughter Melissa

    The New York City Medical Examiner's Office released a statement yesterday afternoon stating that Joan's brain had been starved of oxygen after she suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest on the operating table.

    The report reads: 'OCME has completed its investigation. The cause of Ms Rivers' death is anoxic encephalopathy due to hypoxic arrest during laryngoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with propofol sedation for evaluation of voice changes and gastroesophageal reflux disease. 
    (Source: the mail)

    Family portrait: Joan Rivers with her daughter Melissa and grandson Cooper in 2013 
    Tragedy: Joan sadly passed away on September 4 and was laid to rest at a service at the Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan on September 7

    Iconic photos of Amal & George

    Entrepreneur Rande Gerber should know better than most on why the 36-year-old is the perfect woman for the Oscar-winning star. 

    'She's really perfect for him, She's smart and she's beautiful, engaging. She is, again... smart, but she doesn't make you feel stupid.' 

    Rande, 52, was accompanied to the event by his wife of 16 years, Cindy Crawford, 48, and the pair couldn't hide their affection on the red carpet, at one point stealing a smooch in front of the waiting photographers. 

    When in Italy: Rande and Cindy, pictured with George and Amal Clooney in Venice, Italy ahead of their nuptials last month 
    When in Italy: Rande and Cindy, pictured with George and Amal Clooney in Venice, Italy ahead of their nuptials last month 

    'I would say that is a "public date night," Cindy laughed when asked about the event. 

    However the pair were without their two children son Presley, 15, and daughter Kaia, 13, who often accompany them on low key evenings out.

    'We live in Malibu, Rande has a restaurant there, so I would say, normally, we'll just go grab a bite to eat and just have time to connect,'  Cindy added. "We're lucky because we have time, but our best date night is with the kids.'

    Meet my new wife: George pictured with Amal on their way to their civil wedding ceremony in Venice

    Cindy and Rande spent several days in Venice, Italy at George and Amal's extravagant nuptials which saw the couple tie the knot at the historic Aman Canal Grande hotel in front of a star-studded audience including Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. 

    Meanwhile, George and Amal are set to celebrate their wedding yet again this weekend, with the bride's parents reportedly booking Danesfield House in Marlow, Buckinghamshire as the couple were holding the huge bash at the end of October for family and friends, including those who were not at the London civil ceremony or the lavish Italian bash.

    Danesfield House boasts an exclusive Hotel hire package which gives entire access to the luxury guest rooms, ideal for social celebrations of up to 200 guests.  

    A big white marquee has been erected near the house set in 65 acres of private land, just six miles away from the Grade II listed building George and his lawyer wife have allegedly bought as their new home. 

    The venue: Danesfield House Hotel & Spa in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, has reportedly been booked out exclusively by Amal's parents for a wedding celebration this weekend 

    2014年10月23日 星期四

    亦舒 - 香港文坛闻名遐迩的言情小说女作家











    2014年10月16日 星期四

    Churchill's cousin the Duke of Marlborough dies aged 88 .

  • John George Vanderbilt Henry Spencer-Churchill was the 11th Duke

  • His family seat was Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, birthplace of Churchill

  • Was Churchill's godson, and distantly related to Diana, Princess of Wales 

  • His title will pass to his son, the 57-year-old Marquess of Blandford

  • Jamie Blandford is now clean after years spent battling addictions to drugs 

  • The Prime Minister David Cameron pays tribute to 'a good man and friend' 

  • The 11th Duke of Marlborough died this morning at the age of 88, Blenheim Palace has said.

    The Duke, whose full name was John George Vanderbilt Henry Spencer-Churchill, was a cousin of wartime prime minister Winston Churchill and lived at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. 

    His title will now pass to his son, former drug addict and ex-convict, the Marquess of Blandford, 58. 

    A spokesman for the palace said: 'With great sadness, we announce that the 11th Duke of Marlborough passed away peacefully this morning.
    The 11th Duke of Marlborough, pictured at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, with fourth wife Lily Mahtani, has died
    The 11th Duke of Marlborough, pictured at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, with fourth wife Lily Mahtani, has died

    Two generations: The Marquess of Blandford, pictured left, will now become the 12th Duke of Marlborough
    Two generations: The Marquess of Blandford, pictured left, will now become the 12th Duke of Marlborough

    'Further announcements will be made in due course. As per his wishes, the palace will be open as normal today.'

    The Duke is survived by his fourth wife, Persian-born Lily Mahtani, and his four children: the Marquess of Blandford, Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, 56, Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill, 40, and Lady Alexandra Spencer-Churchill, 38.

    The marquess, his eldest surviving child, battled addictions to heroin and cocaine and three spells in prison, which resulted in his father taking legal action to prevent him from inheriting the 11,500-acre estate, where Churchill was born.

    The duke is survived by his fourth wife, Persian adventuress Lily Mahtani
    The 11th duke, pictured left at a countryside event last month, and right with his fourth wife, Lily Mahtani

    Blenheim Palace was a reward from Queen Anne to the first Duke of Marlborough for victory over the French
    Blenheim Palace was a reward from Queen Anne to the first Duke of Marlborough for victory over the French

    Today the Prime Minister paid tribute to the Duke, saying: 'I am greatly saddened to hear of the death of the Duke of Marlborough. To me, he was not only the Vice-President of my Association but also a good man and friend.

    'His Grace will be deeply missed by all those he worked alongside at Blenheim and by the town of Woodstock where he played such a positive and active role in the community he loved.

    'My thoughts and prayers are with all his family and friends at this sad time.'

    The 11th Duke married WHSmith heiress Susan Hornby, mother of the Marquess of Blandord, in 1951 
    The 11th Duke married WHSmith heiress Susan Hornby, mother of the Marquess of Blandord, in 1951 

    Blenheim Palace was a gift from Queen Anne to John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, in 1704.

    It was a reward for his victory over the army of Louis XIV of France in the Spanish War of Succession.

    Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim, which became a world heritage site under the stewardship of the 12th Duke.  The 200sq ft estate has 187 rooms, dwarfing Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle,and attracts about 500,000 visitors every year.

    \Source: UK Mail

    Simon Rustage bought the winning scratchcard at a shop in Warrington, won £250,00 on the Mega Rich Scratchcard

  • Simon Rustage bought the winning scratchcard at a shop in Warrington

  • He was thrilled to find he had won £250,00 on the Mega Rich Scratchcard

  • Father-of-four then learned he would receive the sum annually for 15 years

  • Plans to spend some of his cash on a Warrington Wolves season ticket

  • His ex-wife says she's not bitter about his good luck, as he's a 'good dad'

  • Simon Rustage, 47, won the top prize on a £10 ‘Mega Rich’ scratchcard he bought at his local shop in Warrington, Cheshire.

    Melanie Turner, who split from Mr Rustage 15 years ago after the couple had two children together, has revealed she's not bitter about her ex's good fortune, but is slightly jealous of his winnings.

    Big win: Simon Rustage won £250,000 every year for 15 years on a lottery scratchcard this week
    Big win: Simon Rustage won £250,000 every year for 15 years on a lottery scratchcard this week

    Mr Rustage told yesterday how he celebrated his life-changing win with his partner of 14 years, Jacqui Webb, 38.

    ‘She came home and we cracked open a bottle of champagne,’ he said. ‘The money was in my account the same day. I keep having to pinch myself, it still hasn’t really sunk in.’

    Mr Rustage, who lives with Miss Webb and their two children, Megan, eight, and Nathan, 14, said he has no plans to move from their £200,000 three-bed semi, in Appleton, Warrington, because ‘it’s a nice area’. 

    Super fan: The warehouse stock handler says he is not planning to go on a wild spending spree although he might treat himself to is a season ticket for his beloved Warrington Wolves rugby team
    Super fan: The warehouse stock handler says he is not planning to go on a wild spending spree although he might treat himself to is a season ticket for his beloved Warrington Wolves rugby team

     it wasn’t until the following morning, when Mr Rustage rang Camelot to confirm his win that he realised the cash was not a one off, but will eventually amount to £3.75million - or £250,000 every year for 15 years.

    Mr Rustage said he will also be putting some cash away for his granddaughter, Myla-Rose, 20 months, and two older children – soldier son George, 17, and daughter Hannah, 19 - from his marriage to first wife, Mrs Turner. 

    Will lightning strike twice? The winning ticket was bought at Bridge Lane Stores in Warrington, Cheshire 

    First of many? Mr Rustage's home in Warrington. He could buy an average-priced British home every year

    His older children, Baqar Hussain, 50, manager of Bridge Lane Stores, was on duty when Mr Rustage bought his lucky ticket.

    ‘Simon buys scratch cards in here nearly every day,’ Mr Hussain said. ‘He’s a great guy - everyone is very happy for him.

    ‘He scratched the card here in the shop and he had to ask me if the ticket was genuine because he was so stunned that he’d won.'

    Winners: Mr Rustage meets one of his Warrington Wolves heroes, Gareth O'Brien as he celebrates his win
    Winners: Mr Rustage meets one of his Warrington Wolves heroes, Gareth O'Brien as he celebrates his win

    Mr Hussain added: ‘He’s been in here after the win - he hasn’t let the money go to his head. I hope he enjoys spending his winnings.’

    Next-door neighbour George Dean said: ‘He came round to tell us that he had some big news.

    ‘We had no idea what it was and then he told us he’d won a quarter of a million pounds every year for the next 15 years. None of us could believe it - we’re really happy for him.

    Source: the DailyMail

    Her Majesty paying tribute to WWI's fallen at the Tower of London in a sea of poppies

  • The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh inspected Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red at the Tower of London

  • Her Majesty looked sombre as she and Prince Philip, himself a former military man, toured the installation

  • Afterwards, the royal couple took part in a thanksgiving service at the Tower chapel, St Peter-ad-Vincula 

  • The Chapel Royal is the burial place of queens Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard as well as St Thomas More

  • Royal salute: As the royal couple arrived, they were given a respectful salute by one of the Tower's traditional Beefeater guards
    Royal salute: As the royal couple arrived, they were given a respectful salute by one of the Tower's traditional Beefeater guards

    When the Queen and Duke first arrived at the imposing Tower of London they were met by its Constable, General the Lord Dannatt, the former head of the British Army, and Colonel Richard Harrold, Governor of the medieval fortress.

    In an ancient ceremony they surrendered their ceremonial keys of office to the Queen and she symbolically touched the objects. Wearing a jade coat and dress with a mint trim by Stewart Parvin and a matching hat by Rachel Trevor-Morgan, the queen and the duke then walked carefully through the poppies before she touched a wreath laid on her behalf by Yeoman Warder Jim Duncan.

    After viewing the poppies the Queen and her husband were driven in their official Bentley along the cobbles of Water Lane - past the famous Traitors' Gate - escorted by the resplendent Yeoman Body.

    She arrived in The Broad Walk which was thronged by visitors - most of whom had no idea the Queen was due to visit. The royals were greeted by the Lieutenant of the Tower, the Bishop of London and Chaplain of the Tower before being escorted into the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula.

    The chapel, which has recently been renovated, is the burial place of three English queens - Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard and Jane Grey - as well as Catholic saints Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher.

    Busy: The visit is the Queen's first public appearance since returning from Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire last month
    Busy: The visit is the Queen's first public appearance since returning from Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire last month

    Beautiful: Following their tour of the poppy field, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh visited St Peter-ad-Vincula
    Beautiful: Following their tour of the poppy field, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh visited St Peter-ad-Vincula

    Burial place: The Tower chapel is the burial place of Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard and Jane Grey as well as Sir Thomas More
    Burial place: The Tower chapel is the burial place of Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard and Jane Grey as well as Sir Thomas More

    As a result, the chapel has become a place of pilgrimage for Catholics, with many visiting the grave of St Thomas More - Henry VIII's Catholic chancellor who was beheaded for refusing to recognise the fledgling Church of England which had Henry, rather than the Pope, as its head.

    Although the Queen is the head of the modern version of Henry VIII's Church of England, she and the Duke of Edinburgh took part in a service to remember More and Bishop Fisher - another clergyman executed by Henry VIII for refusing to recognise the new church.

    In addition to a renovation of the main crypt, which is used as an administrative space by the chapel choir, the Crypt of St Thomas More has been redecorated and re-ordered to render it more welcoming to visitors.

    Next week will see the Queen welcome the President of Singapore and his wife to London, alongside the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who are expected to accompany Tony Tan and his wife for the traditional state procession. 

    Once at Horse Guard's Parade, Mr Tan and his wife will be formally welcomed to the UK by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh before a second procession returns them to Buckingham Palace ahead of a state dinner. 

    Fascinating: The Queen, who also led the D-Day 70th anniversary celebrations, has long been a supporter of British military charities
    Fascinating: The Queen, who also led the D-Day 70th anniversary celebrations, has long been a supporter of British military charities
    Magnificent: The Beefeater stood to attention as the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh wandered through the poppy field
    Magnificent: The Beefeater stood to attention as the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh wandered through the poppy field


    A prison, a palace and a place of safety, the Tower has long loomed large over London, playing a crucial role in nearly every major upheaval to afflict the capital since it was begun by William the Conqueror in 1066 - months after his Normans defeated King Harold and the Anglo-Saxons.

    The castle he built, the White Tower, was designed for defence but also functioned as a royal palace, with every subsequent Norman king processing from the Tower to their coronation.

    That tradition persisted well into the 17th century, with Henry VIII, Edward I and Elizabeth I among the monarchs to spend a night there ahead of their coronations.
    But it is as a place of execution and imprisonment that the Tower is more famous, with the very name of its Chapel - St Peter in Chains - offering a clue as to its use.
    Although used as a prison from 1100 onwards, the first notable execution to take place at the Tower was that of William Wallace, a Scottish rebel whose death warrant was signed by Edward I 'The Hammer of the Scots'.

    Wallace was by no means the only one. He was followed into death at the Tower by England's 'nine day queen' Jane Grey, Henry VIII's wives Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard and Queen Elizabeth I's former favourite, Robert Devereaux, among many others.

    The Bloody Tower is also the scene of one of the most enduring mysteries in British history, with the Princes in the Tower confined to rooms in the building before disappearing - never to be seen again. 

    Precisely what happened to the two young boys has never been established, although many suspect that the children were murdered - either by their uncle Richard III or the incoming Tudor king, Henry VII.

    But while the deaths that took place during the Tudor and mediaeval periods are the most famous, the tradition of executing criminals at the Tower continued into the 20th century with the last prisoners to die executed by firing squad on Tower Green during the First World War.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Tower is also thought to be haunted with the tragic ghost of Anne Boleyn said to appear each year, wandering around the White Tower and carrying her head under her arm, on the anniversary of her execution on the 19th May 1536. 

    Contemplation: Beautiful though the installation is, each represents the loss of a British or Commonwealth soldier's life during WW1
    Contemplation: Beautiful though the installation is, each represents the loss of a British or Commonwealth soldier's life during WW1

    Source: the dailymail

    Cameron reveals pain of seeing Thatcher 'slip away' as she succumbed to dementia

  • PM says he saw the ex Tory leader deteriorate from 'height of her powers'
  • Lady Thatcher's struggle with dementia portrayed in 'The Iron Lady'
  • Cameron said all Cabinet ministers now signed up as 'dementia friends'

  • David Cameron has spoken about the pain of seeing Baroness Thatcher ‘slip away’ as she succumbed to dementia.

    The Prime Minister said it had been hard for him to see her deteriorate from being at the ‘height of her powers’ to falling victim to the disease.

    He revealed that every member of the Cabinet signed up yesterday morning to become ‘dementia friends’ – meaning they will receive training in how to deal with patients with the condition.

    David Cameron posed with the former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on the doorstep of 10 Downing Street in London in 2010
    David Cameron posed with the former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on the doorstep of 10 Downing Street in London in 2010

    Mr Cameron said the poor standards of care for thousands of sufferers – uncovered by the Care Quality Commission earlier this week – was ‘unacceptable’.
    And he revealed he was worried he might develop dementia in later life.

    Lady Thatcher died last year after long battle against dementia; a fight which was vividly brought to the screen by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady.

    Speaking to BBC Radio Oxford, Mr Cameron said: ‘It was very noticeable and obviously having seen her at the height of her powers when I started working for the Conservative Party back in 1988, you see what an effect this has on someone.
    ‘I'm actually sitting in Number 10 Downing street in what's called the Thatcher Room, named by Gordon Brown, there's a picture of her staring at me from the wall as we speak which is slightly disconcerting.

    ‘I've seen that with the parents of friends as well - one minute at the height of their powers, brilliant intellect and brains - then suddenly they start to slip away.’

    Source: the UK Mail

    Paris Hilton looks flawless in Chanel as she hits the shops with sister Nicky and her $13,000 Pomeranian puppy

    The 33-year-old just can't get enough of her adorable teacup Pomeranian puppy Prince Hilton.

    So much so that the hotel heiress has been taking the pint sized pooch everywhere with her.

    The Big Apple: Paris was spotted out and about in New York with her new puppy Prince Hilton on Wednesday
    The Big Apple: Paris was spotted out and about in New York with her new puppy Prince Hilton on Wednesday
    Paris was spotted out and about in New York on Wednesday with her younger sister Nicky, 31.
    And of course, Prince Hilton joined them in the Big Apple after flying out on his mum's private jet.
    Paris was seen cradling the five-month-old puppy in her arms as she and her sister treated themselves to a shopping spree. 
    Doting auntie: The hotel heiress and her fluffy 'baby' were accompanied by her sister Nicky as they hit the shops
    Doting auntie: The hotel heiress and her fluffy 'baby' were accompanied by her sister Nicky as they hit the shops
    Hefty price tag: Paris reportedly paid a whooping $13,000 for snow white pooch 
    Hefty price tag: Paris reportedly paid a whooping $13,000 for snow white pooch 
    Hefty price tag: Paris reportedly paid a whooping $13,000 for snow white pooch 
     Paris has rarely been seen without Prince Hilton - who now has his own Instagram account

    Clearly wanting to look her best for the teeny pooch, she dressed up in a chic Chanel number for their day out together.

    The heiress looked incredibly glamorous in a black shirt which she teamed with a pair of leather leggings, showing off her famous slim physique.

    She then completed her outfit with a Chanel bag, leather gloves and a pair of oversized sunglasses.

    Meanwhile, Nicky opted for a more casual look, sporting a boho-inspired brown shirt, ripped jeans and ankle boots.
    So chic: Paris was sporting a Chanel bag and Chanel gloves, which she teamed with leather leggings, a black shirt and ankle boots
    So chic: Paris was sporting a Chanel bag and Chanel gloves, which she teamed with leather leggings, a black shirt and ankle boots