2014年8月30日 星期六

2个中国人移民加拿大后 2种截然不同的生活

   移民是小时候一个念想。“我的专业是英语,从小就盼望长大后能到国外看看,就这么简单。”2003年,晓文不少朋友都移民了。听他们说,只要条件符合,出国不难,而移民国家首选加拿大,因为入籍门槛低、经济高度发达、高福利、易创业。 i a s k . c a
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人物1 晓文 年龄:38岁 职业:房产经纪人 www.iask.ca, C a n a d a M e e t
移民时间:6年 移民方式:投资移民

移民是小时候一个念想。“我的专业是英语,从小就盼望长大后能到国外看看,就这么简单。”2003年,晓文不少朋友都移民了。听他们说,只要条件符合,出国不难,而移民国家首选加拿大,因为入籍门槛低、经济高度发达、高福利、易创业。 CanadaMeet
事实上,虽然当年晓文不算眼下的“土豪”,但凭着多年经商的财富积累,这笔钱还是拿得出。“我用了两个月时间准备申请的移民材料,很顺利就由移民中介递到移民局,没多久就收到移民局的确认号码。”晓文坦言,那时特别期待快一点获得最终审批,隔三差五打电话询问进展。 160.ca

人一旦有了明确的目标,其他的心思就淡了。“开始办移民后,本来几年前规划好了要扩大生意经营规模的想法,不知不觉地淡了。”晓文说,按照当时中介的承诺,正常情况下,投资移民加拿大1~2年之内就能有信,可没想到,“时间一晃过去了两年,移民局方面还是没有任何消息,看来希望不大了,这是我当时的想法,有点心灰意冷。”他告诉记者,在随后的时间里,除了继续做原有的培训学校生意,为了弥补这期间因等待移民所遭受的损失,他还曾去青岛、秦皇岛、海南投资房地产。 iask.ca

终于来到温哥华 贷款买套公寓 加拿大 家 园 网


拼命打工 常常每天干16个小时

由于语言没有障碍,两个星期后,晓文找到了第一份工作———酒店“门童”,给客人拎行李、送餐,报酬为每小时9加元(约71元人民币),他每天早上7点上班,以为只要肯出力就能赚钱养家,没想到,根据当地工会制度,每周打工的上线为40小时。在工作安排上,必须优先给老员工排班。 56.ca

“辛苦是辛苦,但那时的加拿大肉蛋奶蔬菜,价格非常便宜,如果买来回家吃,二三百加元就够了。”晓文说,通过兼职,每个月能有3000多加元的收入(税后,收入需要缴纳25% ~45%所得税),能够满足日常开销,但身体极度疲劳,每到这时就问自己,为什么要来加拿大,这是想要的生活吗?

报名学房产经纪 收入大幅增加 家园论坛,forum.iask.ca
没有时间陪家人,辛苦之余难言幸福。这样的日子过了一年多,晓文意识到必须改变眼下这种工作状态。他清楚,若要过上更好的生活,重新掌握一门专业技能比什么都重要。功夫不负有心人———报名哥伦比亚大学地产经纪课程,为晓文今后的生活改变埋下了伏笔。 加拿大 家 园 网

“不过还好,适应过来了。”由于经营有方,成交量突出,晓文的收入大幅增加。 iask.ca

■探因 家 园 论 坛
究竟是什么吸引国人向往加拿大? 加拿大 家 园 网
在温哥华的6年多,晓文看到大量中国人涌入,特别是近两年,在大街上,很容易就能听到东北话。当地华人超市、社区银行,包括部分医生,均提供中文服务。他所在的城市,有两成多中国人,从事不同职业,操着不同的口音。但是有不少中国人,甚至有老乡,虽然也获得枫叶卡,但因语言问题,还做着当地人不愿意从事的技术含量低、吃苦出力的工作。 iask.ca
“四五年前,我认识了一位老移民,他是长春一所大学的老师,本来收入尚可,但来到温哥华后,因为不适应这里的语言环境,找不到理想的工作,在当地一家华人超市卖猪肉。” iAsk.ca




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人物2 赵鼎 年龄:37岁 职业:自由职业者 加拿大 家 园 论坛
移民时间:即将满4年 移民方式:技术移民

国外并不是想象的天堂 加拿大 家 园 论坛


2003年,赵鼎决定开始学习法语,并在2009年3月递出申请,申请魁北克省技术移民,2010年3月获得通过。 加拿
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蒙特利尔 与想象的落差

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赵鼎说,平时也会参加一些社区活动,因为是中国人,所以生活圈子(工作除外)还是以华人圈子为主,也了解一些老移民和新移民的现状。他们当中一部分都有了相对稳定的工作,还有一部分继续求学,以求更快融入加拿大生活,也有相当一部分开始发展自己的生意了。基本上只要努力工作,生活就比较稳定,衣食无忧。 iAsk.ca



在赵鼎看来,这次的移民新政策的调整,对于已经成功的移民者来说影响不大,但对有这种想法正在实施或准备实施的人来说,打击就太大了,新政使得以前的移民方式戛然而止。他说,老的移民方式可以看出,加拿大政府看重的是申请者的资产实力,并未考虑控制投资移民落地后的生活方式,这样不能使投资移民的资本转变为生产力与就业机会。新规定在这方面进行了完善,更看重那些加拿大的投资人其实际投资操作能力,这也带来了更大的风险,投资未必能全身而退。 加 拿 大 家园网

被提高的移民门槛 加拿大家园论坛

2月6日,加拿大公民与移民部向国会提交了全面改革《公民法》的C-24法案,在简化入籍申请和审批手续的同时,大幅提高入籍要求,包括延长居住年限、扩大入籍考试人群年龄范围以及出具纳税证明等。 160.ca
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本报记者对本地7家移民中介走访时了解到,目前加拿大投资移民全部叫停(有的在2013年就已经不接申请),目前只接技术移民申请,但需要在国内经过认证培训,待办费用不菲。“我们接受技术移民,但是我们通过加拿大当地的中介运作,成功率较高,费用70万左右。”在二道区一家移民中介店内,一位自称徐女士的工作人员告诉记者:“现在加拿大移民资格申请比较难办,只能通过低级别工种,诸如焊工、电工等等身份入国籍,这其实也是变招,但只能办理萨斯喀彻温省技术移民,魁北克省就别想了。” I A


罗杰斯∶21世纪属于中国 有意移居南京 投资中国

罗杰斯∶21世纪属于中国 有意移居南京 投资中国

加拿大家园 iask.ca 2013-11-17 08:25 来源: 明报 作者: 点击: 3423 次

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对於未来的投资机会,罗杰斯有着独到的分析。他特别提到,在中国污染是个问题。中央政府也意识到这一问题,相信会花很多的钱治理环境和降低污染,在未来的5年中,这方面的投资将会增长25%。投资机会就蕴藏在「那些会做治理环境和清理环境的工作的公司里面」。 加拿大家园论坛
除外,他还对农业、旅游业、铁路运输业以及医药行业充满信心,「政府政策重点在哪里,投资机会就在哪里。」 家 园 论 坛


来源: 明报


Retiring Britons fall out of love with Spain and France

Financial woes in southern Europe appear to have forced a shift in perceptions of desirable places to retire

Guide to villas in France: holiday planner 2011
Rural Provence has been a favourite with Britons 

A third of people want to move abroad when they retire but the popularity of Spain, France, Portugal and Greece has plummeted in the past year, the results of a study suggest.

Of more than 1,500 Britons aged over 40 polled by GlobalVisas.com, a visa application website, 35pc said they would be happier to retire abroad than stay in the UK.

The top three destinations were the US, Australia and Canada, if visa application was no issue, but a year ago Spain was the most popular destination.

The country, which is struggling with huge government debt and soaring unemployment, is now in fourth spot with only 23pc starting it as their prefered location compared to 33pc a year ago.
Thousands of expats have already moved back from the popular Costa resorts amid a crash in Spanish house prices and concerns about tax rises. A weaker pound against the euro has also eaten away at the buying power of British sterling-based savings and pensions on the Continent making it harder to make ends meet.

France has also seen a drop in popularity, down to 15pc from 22pc in the poll. Greece dropped out of the top ten.

Attempts by the socialist French government to impose a 75pc wealth tax was rejected by the courts while a threat to tax the rental income and pensions of British expats has also created uncertainty although tax office officials said earlier this month that there would not be any double taxation.

Summer 2013 poll
Country % preference
US 31%
Australia 27%
Canada 24%
Spain 23%
New Zealand 18%
France 15%
Turkey 12%
Portugal 11%
United Arab Emirates 9%
Germany 8%
Summer 2012 poll

% preference
Spain 33%
Australia 29%
Canada 27%
France 22%
U.S. 19%
Portugal 14%
Turkey 13%
United Arab Emirates 12%
Germany 10%
Greece 9%
Meanwhile, the turmoil in Greece continues. The country received a €110bn bailout by the IMF and EU in May 2010. Another €130bn euro rescue package was granted in February 2012. But GDP collapsed by 17pc between 2009 and 2012 and unemployment rate has spiked above 25pc.

The Spanish government recently introduced reporting requirements meaning that anyone who lives in Spain for more than six months (183 days) per tax year and has overseas assets worth more than €50,000 - including bank accounts, property and investments - must declare them. Failures or delays in doing so will result in hefty fines and penalties.

The Foreign Office estimates that 800,000 British nationals live all or part of the year in Spain. Estimates on residency vary from 250,000 to 400,000. Anecdotal reports suggest a growing number are preparing to return home.

The countries that top the list of most popular locations, such as Canada and Australian, have largely escaped the worst effects of the global financial crisis. America, which is now the number one destination, has seen the prospects for its economy strengthen in the past year.

Gary Smith, of GlobalVisas.com, said: "With the British climate notoriously unpredictable and the economic output seemingly as reliable as the weather, some people see living abroad as the better option.

"The credit crunch stung a lot of expats living within Europe, which seems to have influenced some people's decisions as the wider world now seems more appealing." 

Why tomorrow's expats should choose Germany over Spain

Millions of Britons harbour a dream of relaxing in retirement on foreign shores. Focusing on that glass of rioja served by the sea is a vision that keeps much of the working population sane.
A poll this week captured this. It found that 35pc of those aged over 40 would prefer to reward themselves for a lifetime of hard work in a corner of the Cote d’Azur rather than a quarter of these green and crowded lands.

But more interesting is how the destinations of choice have changed.

A year ago, Spain was the favourite place in the sun, with 33pc of would-be expats naming it as their number one destination. But it has fallen to fourth spot, with only 23pc favouring it this year

France is now also less loved, with francophiles making up 15pc rather than 22pc of the total.
Portugal’s figure is down from 14pc to 11pc and, as for troubled Greece, it has dropped out of the top 10 altogether.

The list of new destinations topping the leaderboard speaks volumes about the reasons for the shift.
America is now most popular, followed by Australia and Canada. The first acutely felt the global financial crisis but the citizens of the other two have been spared the worst.

In contrast, Spain, Greece and Portugal have been knocked for six, with their debts ballooning and their economies buckling.

The dream of the Costas has turned into a nightmare for many of the hundreds of thousands of Britons who relocated there.

Property in France is tempting but the OECD estimates that is substantially over-valued
Some of the anguish is directly linked to the financial crisis, such as the scarcity of work. Other effects have been more subtle. Take pensions. Because Britain has the ability to weaken its currency to help exports, it has done so (eyed enviously by many in the eurozone unable to do the same).
But as the pound sinks, so does the buying power of the personal and state pensions paid to millions of Britons abroad.

Austerity measures are also making expats nervous. The loss of the £300 winter fuel allowance for those retired in the sun, announced this week, will seem trifling if asset seizures materialise. The Spanish government, for example, has demanded that all expats disclose assets they hold outside the country, if worth more than £50,000.

Some see it as a portent for a wealth grab, as seen in Cyprus.

Tumbling house prices have been the final blow to those in Spain who feel forced to sell up and head home.

In France, austerity has persuaded the government to tax its wealthy citizens – and foreigners – more rigorously.

Thousands of Britons are heading home, and many other Europeans are moving. Last year 37,000 Spaniards headed for Germany, while 35,000 Greeks followed them.

This trend has probably gathered pace in 2013, with unemployment continuing to rise in southern Europe.

But Britons remain indifferent. Once again this year, Germany only just makes the top 10 in the desired retirement destination list, with only 8pc expressing an interest.

Maybe it’s time for a location rethink for those wedded to a retirement abroad.

Germany has also shimmied nicely through the recent turmoil, and it avoided the property boom and bust. Yet it has the second lowest house prices of any Western nation, according to the OECD, which estimated that German prices were 20pc too low (and around 35pc too high in France - see below).
Germany may lack Spain’s stunning beaches or France’s perfect summer climate. But to buy cheap property where economic prospects are strong, taxes most likely to remain low and society cohesive, perhaps Britons should consider developing a taste for riesling over rioja.

- money@telegraph.co.uk

The retirees snapping up cut-price Spanish property

Cheaper housing and a strong pound are luring some British buyers back to Spain

Alicante: the town where 'el tomate' is king
The quiet life: the lure of the climate on the Alicante coast, left, proved too much for the Hayes family, below

Swarms of British expats, who were drawn to Spain in the Nineties and early 2000s, found they could no longer sustain their life in the sun and packed up and returned to Britain. Nearly 90,000 abandoned their Mediterranean dream last year alone.

But some Britons are swimming against the tide, determined to forge a life in Spain despite the tough economic climate. Typically they are retirees who have no need to find stable work and many are snapping up homes at big discounts.

The stagnant economy has created a glut of cheap homes on the market, many of which are bank repossessions that lenders are keen to shift quickly.

Estate agent Your Viva, which has offices on the Costa del Sol, said 42pc of its buyers were British in 2013, up from 31pc in 2012, and most were aged between 40 and 60 years.

Martina Heynemann, managing partner at Your Viva, said property prices have fallen 50pc to 60pc from their peak a decade ago. She said prices are now starting to pick up, particularly at the cheaper end of the market. The average property the firm sells is worth around £180,000. 

British buyers are also being tempted by the strong pound. Last week sterling rose to its strongest point against the euro since December 2012. Over the past 10 months the sterling to euro exchange rate has improved by 7pc.

Moneycorp, which provides money transfer services for property purchases, said it has seen a 37pc increase in the volume of purchases in Spain in the last year.

John Hayes, 52, and his wife, Mandy, 50, of Northampton, have just taken the plunge. They bought a three-bedroom, two-bathroom villa in El Pinós, a rural village about 40 miles north-west of Alicante, and moved in last week.

The couple paid £127,000 for the property, which has a large pool and more than two acres of land. The total came to £144,000 once fees were added. The newbuild property was recently completed and was put on the market for £137,000.

Mr Hayes, who worked for a number of high-street banks in the UK, said: “My wife and I have been working hard since we were very young and we decided to get off the hamster wheel that is life in the UK and enjoy ourselves. Spain appealed because property is cheap, the weather is fabulous and the currency is moving in our favour.

“We know so many people who have worked into their mid-60s and beyond and don’t live much longer than that. We want to enjoy the rest of our life.”

Mandy and John Hayes, far right, with their Spanish property finder, builder and solicitor.
The couple sold their five-bedroom, three-storey house in Northampton for £366,000 to fund the move and used the remaining equity to help their son buy a house in the UK.

Mrs Hayes has retired from her council job in adult education and Mr Hayes plans to work part-time as a financial adviser to expats in Spain. He said they plan to live there for at least 20 years.

“My wife is looking forward to creating a garden and we plan to make the most of the outdoor lifestyle that Spain offers,” Mr Hayes added.

Marc Elliott, a mortgage broker based in Marbella, said couples like the Hayes are starting to return to Spain.

Mr Elliott, who is half-British and previously worked for brokerage John Charcol in the UK, said: “If you want to buy property purely as an investment, don’t look to Spain.

“Property here is not going to make the same kind of returns that you can find elsewhere. But if it’s a lifestyle choice – if you want to live here or come for holidays – you won’t be disappointed.”

Mr Elliott warned buyers they will need at least a 30pc deposit and another 14pc of the purchase price on top to cover fees.

The local mortgage market has dried up over the past few years and it has been very difficult for foreign buyers to secure a loan with a Spanish bank. This is starting to change, but foreign buyers who take out mortgages in Spain are typically charged more than double the rate given to locals.

Mr Elliott said Spanish buyers can typically get rates of around 1.99pc for a tracker – the most common loan type – while British buyers will pay between 4.5pc and 5pc.

Taking a mortgage abroad means you lack some of the protection that applies to UK mortgages and mortgage advice. It is possible to borrow from a UK bank to buy abroad but the choice of lenders is limited.

The majority of buyers remortgage their UK property to buy abroad. This can be a good option, particularly if you built up a lot of equity, but you will have to make repayments in sterling so this won’t suit those who plan to live and work abroad, where they will earn euros or another currency.

Cut-price Costa

While some high-end Spanish properties are typically being reduced by around 15pc, prices at the other end of the market are being cut by twice this much.

Research by the Telegraph shows sellers in the Costa del Sol, one of the most popular parts of the Spanish coastline with British expats, are still cutting prices.

A four-bedroom, four-bathroom duplex penthouse in Marbella is on the market for just more than £1m, down from £1.2m. A budget of just more than £170,000 will buy a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in Torremolinos, with ocean views, reduced from £235,000.

Bank repossessions are also coming to the market. Many need work, but some are new, repossessed from failed developers. A four-bedroom, four-bathroom town house near the coast, cut to £196,000 from £362,000, has a roof terrace and a communal pool. 

Source: the Telegraph

'Our €250,000 Spanish villa sold for just €87,000'

    Like thousands of other British expatriates, Bob Puddicombe and his wife, Phyllis, found that their retirement dreams of a place in the sun turned into a nightmare following the financial crash.

After 13 years living in the south of Spain, the couple returned home in 2012. Their three-bed villa in Almayate, near Malaga, was initially on the market for €250,000 (£206,000). It eventually sold for just €87,000 (£71,500). They have moved back to the Plymouth area, where they lived before moving to Spain.

Mr Puddicombe, who is nearing 70, said they decided to return to the UK as they were getting older and wanted the security of the NHS. But at the same time the adverse exchange rate has hammered the value of their pension in recent years.

"At least we were able to sell, and have used the proceeds to buy an ex-council house back in Britain," he said.

But many of the friends the Puddicombes left behind have not been so fortunate.

Property prices have continued to fall in many parts of southern Europe, particularly the popular and overdeveloped coastal regions of Spain, where the supply of holiday villas now outstrips demand.
House prices in Spain have fallen by more than 30pc since the crisis, with prices in some resorts plummeting by up to 70pc. At the same time, house prices have risen sharply in many parts of the UK in the past two years. This has had the devastating effect of pricing some returning expats out of the British housing market, making the return home costly or impossible.

To make matters worse, many are expecting that the pound will continue to strengthen against the euro in the next few years. While this will give some relief to those receiving a fixed income, such as a pension, from Britain, it means those selling properties to return home will find the sale price is exchanged for fewer pounds when they arrive.

Edward Knox, an analyst at currency brokers Caxton FX, said that this, in part, explained the sudden rush of expats returning to Britain. Figures published last week showed almost 90,000 Britons left Spain in 2013 - a 23pc reduction in British expatriate numbers in the country.

"Many may have been holding on, hoping property prices would recover," Mr Knox said. "But now they face the double whammy of prices falling and a weaker euro. Not surprisingly, many are opting to get out now before the situation gets worse."

Geoffrey Sword: 'We loved Andalusia, but it started to change'

This exodus is also being driven by demographics. There was a significant spike in the number of people retiring to Europe in the early 2000s, when mortgages were easy to arrange and the cost of living abroad was cheap. These pensioners are now heading into their late 70s, and are more likely to suffer imperfect health or to have lost a partner. Although free health care is available in countries such as Spain, it can be more limited, and there can be language issues for those who have only conversational Spanish.

Mark Bodega, a director of currency broker HiFX, said: "Many expats moved abroad seeking warmer weather along with a more relaxed lifestyle. Unfortunately, the Spain of several years ago - when the economy was thriving, jobs were relatively easy to obtain and the cost of living was cheap - is fast disappearing."

The flight is not confined to expats, either. Many with holiday homes are also selling up, which is acting as a further brake on property prices. Geoffrey Sword, from Bury in Lancashire, recently sold his holiday apartment in Calahonda in Andalusia after owning it for 12 years.

He and his wife, Kay, had enjoyed more than a decade of "fantastic holidays" with their family and friends, such as Margaret Brown (pictured above with the couple) but he has become "disillusioned" by the state of affairs in Spain.

"Everything has got a lot more expensive, from the parking tickets to a game of golf," Mr Sword said. He believes the introductions of higher rates, fines, sewerage fees and other costs are more to do with raising revenue than maintaining standards. "There isn't the same laidback atmosphere," he said. "There are so many add-ons, it seems as though they want to drive tourists away, not keep them, and it's becoming more difficult to enjoy."

His apartment took two years to sell and had to be reduced from €195,000 (£160,500) to €139,000 (£114,300). Mr Sword was dismayed by the additional charges, fees and taxes he had to pay to complete the sale. "Even now there is 3pc of the sale price in our Spanish bank, as I had to leave some in case it was needed to cover any unpaid taxes we didn't know about. I still have no idea when we might be able to transfer the funds back to the UK."

Exchange rates
For many expats, living costs have rocketed. It is less that prices have gone up - at present inflation in the eurozone stands at 0.5pc and 1pc in Spain - and more that the exchange rate has swung, In April 2007, €1 was worth about 67p. This meant each £100 of your pension would convert into €149, before fees. Expats who had been in Spain for a decade more enjoyed even better rates. In 2000, each £100 of pension delivered €170.

Today €1 is worth around 82p. So the same £100 of pension gives just €121. "In other words, expats have lost almost a quarter of their income in the past seven years," Mr Bodega said.
But the pound has rallied against the euro in recent months. This trend looks likely to continue, according to foreign exchange brokers, due to the strong economic recovery in the UK.

By contrast, many southern European states are still struggling economically, with unemployment at 26pc in Spain. This, coupled with low inflation, is likely to further weaken the euro against the pound.

Mr Bodega said he expected the pound to be worth almost €1.30 by the end of the year. While this should bring some relief for expats who are surviving on a British pension, it will hit those who are selling up and moving home.

Property prices

The economic problems in many European countries have dented property prices. This is particularly true in Spain, where a construction and credit boom before the financial crash has ground to a halt. As a result, house prices have slumped. Prices are down 30pc since 2007, according to the Bank of Spain. They are still falling by up to 14.5pc a year, with the coastal regions popular with British and other international buyers recording some of the biggest falls, according to Sociedad de Tasación, a surveyor.

Many Spanish banks, which were happy to grant mortgages to British buyers in the boom years, are now calling in debts. This has trapped buyers who can no longer meet mortgage payments - perhaps because they cannot find work or their pension no longer covers the repayments in euros - since they are unable to sell the property to cover the debt.

Some properties are being repossessed and sold on by the Spanish banks at knockdown prices. This is making it harder for those looking to sell to get a decent return on their investment, particularly if the pound continues to strengthen against the euro. 

Advice for Britons selling property in Spain

• Get legal and tax advice, and set a realistic price based on values of similar properties sold recently, rather than the price you think it merits.

• Remember you need to pay solicitor and notary costs. Get an independent abogado (solicitor). If you are not living in Spain, you can give your solicitor "power of attorney", potentially saving you time and money.

• Sign the arras/contrato privado de compraventa (preagreement contract). This should include the agreed selling price, what is included and the date for the final payment. Don't forget to include conditions in the contract (e.g. financing, survey results, planning). When the arras is signed, a deposit of around 10pc (paid in euros) will normally follow. If the buyer pulls out, they will lose the deposit, but more importantly, if you pull out you will have to pay twice the deposit back.

• Consider how you will transfer the proceeds of the sale back to the UK. Compare exchange rates and fees offered by your Spanish or UK bank with specialist currency brokers. Many claim to be able to save you up to 4pc on exchange rates alone.

• If you are worried about the pound strengthening further, consider a forward contract, which allows you to fix the exchange rate for up to 12 months. Mr Bodega said: "You'd never buy a property in the UK without knowing the final cost. But if you buy or sell a property overseas and don't fix the exchange rate, that's exactly the gamble you're taking. For those on tight budgets, this could result in some sleepless nights."

From the Telegraph

How to buy a house that will make you a millionaire

Homeowners can make millions on houses that go up in value – but how can you spot the up and coming areas first?

Clapham, Honeywell Road (£1.275 million; Douglas & Gordon)
How can you spot the up and coming neighbourhoods before everyone else?

Sitting on a pot full of money is every homeowner’s dream. If you could buy a house in an undiscovered area that then became a chicest neighbourhood in town, you could potentially make millions of pounds from one savvy deal. But as a Property Rich List finds that more than 10,000 streets in Britain now have an average property price of more than £1m, how do you scoop up such a smart buy – before everyone else gets in first?

Stephen Ludlow, chairman of estate agent Ludlow Thompson, says that there are a few early signs that show which areas will take off. Here are his tips on how to find the up and coming areas before everyone else...

Follow the supermarkets

Major supermarkets have entire departments dedicated to market research, and so they have in-depth research data on the demographics of each area. As soon as a neighbourhood looks as though it’s on the up, expect a supermarket to swoop in. Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer are the big four to look out for in increasingly wealthy areas, and as Ludlow says, “Morrisons are into that market now”.

Coffee shops are also a good indicator – “they would have done a lot of marketing profile about the type of person living in that area,” says Ludlow - and where there’s a Starbucks or Costa, other retailers will follow. Smaller retail chains often look to major coffee shops as a sign of where to branch out next, as shops with a similar footfall will simply copy the locations of bigger brands.

Travel, Travel, Travel

If you can’t get the ideal location, then you at least need somewhere in commuting distance of the ideal location. Any kind of major travel plan – including Crossrail, overground trains and even bike pathways – can massively affect the make up of an area. Ludlow says Finsbury Park is an example of a neighbourhood that saw a major profile change after the station infrastructure was improved – “that gives a lift that spirals out into the residential house prices”, he says.

And pay close attention to bike pathways or hire schemes, as these are now far more important than they were even a few years ago. “Now when we’re talking to landlords we make sure there’s provision for cycle storage - either a bike rack in a communal area or permission for bikes to be mounted on a wall,” adds Ludlow.

The spread of gentrification: how to be close to cool

Once one area becomes popular, expect the nearby neighbourhoods to pick up their house prices. “You get one area at the core where people want to live originally, but then that ripples and expands,” says Ludlow. So don’t bother trying to buy in the latest cool neighbourhood, but look next door instead – the market is sure to follow.
In London, Ludlow says that Vauxhall is a key example of a core neighbourhood – the rise in property prices then spread to Oval, Camberwell, Dulwich, Peckham and right across south east London.

Big developments = big money

When a developer plans a major complex, they’re legally obliged to pay a local development contribution, which tends to lift the local area. The Olympic Park was the textbook example of such a renovation, though other big sporting complexes such as Wembley also led to plenty of new housing builds.
But it doesn’t just have to be sport - “where the American Embassy being built in Vauxhall, no doubt there’s a lot of secondary capital development going in there on the back of that development,” says Ludlow.
Meanwhile in King’s Cross an initiative to improve the train station boosted the area, and Google’s decision to buy offices nearby will bring in plenty of well-paid staff. Even if an area is fairly desolate, a major development complex can bring the funds to turn around a neighbourhood entirely – which is good news for any homeowners who manage to buy before the yuppies arrive.

Source: the telegraph

























若涼水浸泡後的紫菜呈藍紫色,說明紫菜在幹燥、包裝');" style="color: rgb(230, 33, 63); font-weight: bold;">包裝前已被有毒物所汙染,這種紫菜對人體有害,不能食用。


















  含豐富的鈣、硒、卵磷脂、維生素 E等營養物質,具有降低血清膽固醇的作用。






















Who are the richest members of Congress?

       The CRP takes data from financial disclosure forms that members of Congress are required to file every year. But senators and representatives are required to report only ranges for the values of their assets, not exact figures. For example, one representative has stock in Ford Motor that totaled anywhere from roughly $2,000 to $30,000. Therefore, the CRP came up with three numbers based on these estimates: a possible minimum and maximum amount, and an average of the two. The CRP bases its ranking on that average. We have listed all three. The rankings are based on the average estimated net worth.

These numbers also do not necessarily include a lawmaker's primary home or vacation spots, according to a blog post on the CRP's website. Unless they collect rent on these properties, lawmakers are exempted from reporting these as assets, even if they are worth millions.

Thus these are estimates at best. But they provide an illuminating look into how wealthy many of the country's top political leaders are. The figures are from 2012, the most recent year available from CRP's data crunching. Click ahead to see who's the richest of them all.

5. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas

Rep. Michael McCaul
Rep. Michael McCaul

Minimum: $102,547,780
Average: $143,153,910
Maximum: $183,760,040

McCaul's wife has a stock portfolio worthy of a professional money manager. The assets section on McCaul's disclosure form for 2012 runs 32 pages and includes numerous stock investments, most of which are listed as his spouse's assets. Among them are many household names including Apple, IBM and Procter & Gamble.

McCaul had previously held the top spot on the CRP list, but more recent disclosure rules forced the organization to estimate his wealth more conservatively, according to a blog post on OpenSecrets.org.

4. Rep. John K. Delaney, D-Md.

Rep. John Delaney

Rep. John Delaney

Minimum: $65,151,162
Average: $154,601,580
Maximum: $244,051,998

Delaney is a freshman congressman who had a long and successful career in business before going into politics. He founded two companies before turning 40, according to his bio his congressional website. His first company was HealthCare Financial Partners, which loaned money to small health-care providers under-served by banks, and CapitalSource, which has a similar business targeting small and medium-sized businesses. Now much of his household's money is invested in bonds, stocks, and various investment funds

3. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo.
Rep. Jared Polls
Rep. Jared Polls

Minimum: $69,791,412
Average: $197,945,705
Maximum: $326,099,998

Polis worked in his family's greeting cards business as a young man, eventually succeeding his grandmother as sales manager, and developing the company's e-commerce business, according to his congressional biography. He also co-founded a company that provided various Web access and hosting services, and founded ProFlowers.com, which was sold to Liberty Media in 2006. Since then, he has much of his vast wealth invested in a variety of investments, and, as of 2012, Polis disclosed partnerships or memberships in several investment companies.

2. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

. Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) (Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) (Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Minimum: $96,221,316
Average: $257,481,658
Maximum: $418,742,000

Warner was an early investor in the cellular technology industry and co-founded the cell phone company that became Nextel, according to his congressional biography. He and his family have holdings in a variety of investments.

1. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Darrell Issa (R-CA) (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Minimum: $330,380,031
Average: $464,115,018
Maximum: $597,850,005

The wealthiest man in Congress also had a career in business before running for office. Issa served as chief executive of Directed Electronics, which was the nation's largest maker of vehicle anti-theft devices, and brought the Viper car alarm system to market, according to his congressional bio. Issa holds money in investment funds and real estate.


女人血虛易長斑 5個飲食方 養血祛斑


俗話說:一白遮百醜,白凈無暇的臉蛋是每個女孩的夢想。但是,如果漂亮的臉蛋上出現瞭星星點點的斑點,則會讓印象分大大降低。很多 女性為瞭去除這些煩人的斑點,會尋找昂貴的護膚品甚至選擇激光祛斑,但這種方式不僅無法美白祛斑,還是傷害你的皮膚。  中醫認為,女人長斑多是因血虛引起。血能滋潤皮膚,一旦氣血不足,皮膚抵抗力差,繼而容易出現色斑、蠟黃等現象。


女人血氣不足易長斑  中醫認為,滋養皮膚是血的重要功能之一。血可以滋潤皮膚,血氣充盈則面色紅潤,血虛容易出現面色蠟黃、肌膚幹燥、面部黃褐斑等。  

為什麼血氣不足容易長斑?  斑的產生與皮膚的代謝功能直接相關,代謝功能好,體內的廢物就能夠被順利代謝出去,不會停留在皮膚上形成斑;反之,如果皮膚的代謝功能差,就容易長斑。而皮膚代謝功能的好壞,與人體血液充盈程度有直接關系。我們的皮膚,是靠血液來營養的,如果血液充盈,皮膚的營養狀況就好,代謝功能才會正常,就不易長斑。  生活中有些人曬太陽容易出現黃褐斑,大多屬於氣血虧虛型體質,皮膚抵抗力弱,所以一旦陽光直射臉部,就容易引起皮膚色素沉淀。



【飲食方】  1、甜蜜水果類食物  這類食物富含富含磷、鈣、鐵等礦物質,並有多種維生素和氨基酸,有補氣血、強筋骨之功。  紅棗:  紅棗含有豐富的蛋白質、脂肪、糖份、胡蘿卜素、維生素B、C、P及磷、鈣、鐵等,有維生素丸的美稱。紅棗內含有環磷酸腺苷,能增強肌力、消除疲勞、擴張血管、增加心肌收縮力。紅棗還能能補虛益氣、養血安神、健脾和胃等,是血虛女性很好的 保健品。


桂圓:  桂圓亦稱龍眼,性溫味甘,益心脾,補氣血;具有良好有滋養補益作用,不僅益氣 補血,還能 美容養顏。  葡萄:  葡萄味甘微酸、性平,具有補肝腎、益氣血、開胃力、生津液和利小便之功效。把葡萄制成葡萄幹後,糖和鐵的含量會相對高.


2、紅黑類食物  紅黑色的食物含有豐富的鐵質、蛋白質和氨基酸,多有補血的功效。黑色的食物入腎,有助於腎藏精納氣。腎藏精,精生髓,髓化血,因此,血的根本也在於腎。至於紅色食物補血,理論則源於“以形補形,以色補色”。 

 紅米:  紅米含有豐富的淀粉與植物蛋白質,可補充消耗的體力及維持身體正常體溫。它富含眾多的營養素,其中以鐵質最為豐富,故有補氣養血及預防貧血的功效。而其內含豐富的磷,維生素A、B群能改善營養不良,又能有效舒緩疲勞、精神不振和 失眠等癥狀。


黑豆:  味甘、性平、無毒。有血平肝、 補腎壯陰、補虛黑發之功效。黑豆對年輕女性來說,還有美容養顏的功效。黑豆含有豐富的維生素,其中E族和B族維生素含量最高,維生素E的含量比肉類高5~7倍眾所周知,維生素E 是一種相當重要的保持青春健美的物質。  


帶谷皮類食物    隨著體內過氧化物質逐漸增多,極易誘發黑色素沉淀。谷皮類食物中的維生素E,能有效抑制過氧化脂質產生,從而起到幹擾黑色素沉淀的作用。



花生:中醫理論認為,“脾統血”,氣虛的人就容易出血,花生紅衣正是因為能夠補脾胃之氣,所以能達到養血止血的作用,這在中醫上講叫“補氣止血”。  花生中的鋅元素含量普遍高於其他油料作物,可以增強大腦的記憶功能,激活細胞,有效地延緩人體過早衰老,具


 3、深色蔬果類  深色類的蔬果含有豐富的鐵質和胡蘿卜素,胡蘿卜素可促進血紅素增加,提高血液濃度及血液質量。此外,這類蔬果含的微量元素同樣是補血必不可缺的原料。

  胡蘿卜: 胡蘿卜含有維生素 B、 C,且含有一種特別的營養素———胡蘿卜素。胡蘿卜素對補血極有益,所以用胡蘿卜煮湯,是很好的補血湯飲。同樣,胡蘿卜中的含鐵也十分豐富。  



TOP2、西紅柿  抗斑指數:★★★☆  西紅柿具有保養皮膚、消除雀斑的功效。它豐富的西紅柿紅素、維生素C是抑制黑色素形成的最好武器。有實驗證明,常吃西紅柿可以有效減少黑色素形成。  提醒:西紅柿性寒,如果空腹食用容易造成腹痛  

推薦:1每天用1杯西紅柿汁加微量魚肝油飲用,能令準媽媽面色紅潤 2、準媽媽還可先將面部清洗幹凈,然後用西紅柿汁敷面,15~20分鐘後再用清水洗凈。對治療黃褐斑有很好的療效。


TOP3、檸檬  抗斑指數:★★★☆  檸檬也是抗斑美容水果。檸檬中所含的枸櫞酸能有效防止皮膚色素沉著。使用檸檬制成的沐浴劑洗澡能使皮膚滋潤光滑。  提醒:檸檬極酸,吃過多會損傷牙齒。   

TOP4、黃豆  抗斑指數:★★★★  大豆中所富含的維生素E能夠破壞自由基的化學活性,不僅能抑制皮膚衰老,更能防止色素沉著於皮膚。  推薦:大豆甜湯:  黃豆、綠豆、赤豆各100克洗凈浸泡後溷合搗汁,加入適量清水煮沸,用白糖調味做成飲服。每日3次對消除黃褐斑很有功效。


TOP5、牛奶  抗斑指數:★★★★  牛奶有改善皮膚細胞活性,延緩皮膚衰老,增強皮膚張力,刺激皮膚新陳代謝、保持皮膚潤澤細嫩的作用。  

推薦:  桃仁牛奶芝麻煳:  核桃仁30克、牛奶300毫升、豆漿200毫升、黑芝麻20克。先將核桃仁、黑芝麻放小磨中磨碎,與牛奶、豆漿調勻,放入鍋中煮沸,再加白糖適量,每日早晚各吃1小碗。


 西紅柿:  果色火紅,含有豐富的胡蘿卜素、維生素C和B族維生素。酸奶的蛋白質成分能促進鐵的吸收。因此,把西紅柿和酸奶搭配在一起榨出的西紅柿酸奶汁是提高體內鐵元素吸收的良好來源,可有效補血。 

 菠菜:  這是最常見的蔬菜,也是有名的補血食物。菠菜內含有豐富的鐵質、胡蘿卜素和葉酸,每100g菠菜的葉酸含量高達50mg,名列蔬菜之首。


4、幹果類  幹果類食物,其含有的鐵質和糖分更加豐富,是養血美顏的重要食品。桑葚幹:是目前水果及其制品中含天然鐵最豐富的,每100克含鐵42.5毫克,無愧於水果中“補血果”的稱號。



5、鮮美肉類  烏雞可以養陰退虛熱。烏雞湯甘溫,可以補虛損,養陰血。  作為補血佳品,動物肝臟中的含鐵量極高,以每百克可食部分計算,鴨肝含鐵量最高,為23.1毫克,豬肝含鐵22.6毫克。動物肝中的鐵不僅含量高,而且比較容易吸收。此外,常吃動物肝臟,可以為機體提供足夠的造血塬材料,使人面頰紅潤、精神振奮。


【養顏祛斑食物TOP6】  TOP1、獼猴桃  抗斑指數:★★★★  獼猴桃被喻為“水果金礦”。含有豐富的食物纖維、維生素C、維生素B、維生素D、鈣、磷、鉀等微量元素和礦物質。  獼猴桃中的維生素C能有效抑制皮膚內多巴醌的氧化作用,使皮膚中深色氧化型色素轉化為還原型淺色素,幹擾黑色素的形成,預防色素沉淀,保持皮膚白皙。  提醒:脾胃虛寒的準媽媽不可多吃,容易腹瀉。

  桂圓肉:  每100克桂圓肉含鐵量大約是3.9毫克,在水果中也屬含鐵量相當豐富的,可用於貧血的食療中,一般煲湯、煮粥為宜。但桂圓肉屬於溫熱食物,對於孕婦、兒童不適合。 

 紫葡萄幹:  是很好的補血水果。將葡萄曬制成幹後,每100克含鐵量在9.1毫克。而且葡萄在曬制過程中,最大限度地保留瞭葡萄皮(葡萄皮的營養含量遠遠高於果肉),也有利於葡萄幹中一些穩定營養素的保留,如鐵、鋅、錳、蛋白質、抗氧化物質等。


 黑棗幹:  棗裡最為推崇的是黑棗和蜜棗,它們每100克含鐵量在3.7 ~3.9毫克之間,也算是補血食物中的佳品,幹棗中還含有豐富的維生素C,維生素 C是促進鐵離子吸收的重要因子,讓機體對鐵的吸收率事半功倍。但幹棗含有豐富的膳食纖維,不利消化,所以每日不宜多食,而且最好是煲湯、煮粥食用。  核桃:  核桃性溫、味甘、無毒,有健胃、補血、潤肺、養神等功效。吃核桃仁可以開胃,通潤血脈,使皮膚更加細膩。




















The secluded Welsh farmhouse where William and Kate's Anglesey farmhouse goes up for rent


                  The secluded Welsh farmhouse where Prince William and Kate Middleton spent their first few years as a married couple is now up for rent. During his tour of duty as a search and rescue pilot, the Duke of Cambridge paid £750 per month for the four-bedroom house in Anglesey.

Owned by Sir George Meyrick, one of the richest men in Wales, the white-washed cottage has stunning views of the surrounding countryside including Snowdonia, Newborough Forest and Llanddwyn Island. It is hidden from view by a thicket and reached by a private road.


William and Kate will have very happy memories of the cottage now for rent

New tenants are being offered the same facilities used by William and Kate, which include a living room with an open fire and a dining room with French doors.

Until now it was not possible to report on the location of the house or even the layout because of security concerns.

Just last month the Duke spoke of how happy he and his wife had been there. The tranquil setting afforded them a retreat from the pressures of royal life.

The couple often walked on nearby beaches in matching wellies and Barbour jackets with their dog Lupo and enjoyed nights out in the local pub The White Eagle. Apparently William liked a pint of Bitter while the Duchess stuck to white white or mineral water.


They walked their Cocker Spaniel up to three times a day in the surrounding area

Kate did the shopping at local supermarkets like any housewife and cooked her husband's favourite meal of roast chicken. With the arrival of Prince George she did have some extra help as the couple's housekeeper in London Antonella Fresolone is reported to have joined them. As did William's former nanny who came out of retirement to lend a hand with the little one.

Last week William, Kate, George and their dog Lupo moved back to the splendour of Kensington Palace, where their apartments in Princess Margaret's former home have been renovated at a cost of £1million.

His decision to leave the military after seven years was undoubtedly motivated in part by his desire to support Kate as much as possible in looking after their baby.

As well as focusing on fatherhood, the future King is looking forward to a new chapter involving more public service. Aides said he will take a year to decide which areas to focus on.

The local pub in Rhoscolyn, Anglesey where the couple enjoyed nights out

Source: the Hello

Princess Ingrid of Norway starts first day at new school

           Matching her mum with her fair hair swept back into a plait, Ingrid dressed smartly in a navy jumper and white trousers.

Mette-Marit held onto her children's hands as they arrived at the school, with Haakon towing behind carrying their school backpacks. The royal family were immediately greeted in English by the school's principal Janecke Aarnæs who gave a slightly nervous-looking Ingrid a handshake.

The young princess, who is starting fifth grade, will be expected to communicate in English as most lessons are conducted in the foreign language.

It was reported that Haakon and Mette-Marit wanted their daughter – who is second-in-line to the throne – to be immersed in English and attend a school with children from many different countries, to better prepare her for her royal role.

Princess Ingrid will be expected to speak in English for her classes at the international school

Ingrid's first day involved an induction where students were told about what was expected of them at the school, followed by the chance to meet their classmates.

"When she goes in the door here, she'll be a completely ordinary pupil, just like all the others," head teacher Janecke told Norwegian Broadcasting.

The normal school day runs from 8:50am past 3pm, with Ingrid taking part in various lessons including mathematics, reading, writing, science, history, geography, technology and culture. She will also have three classes in Norwegian a week.

Ingrid had previously attended a public school for four years – the Jansløkka elementary school in Asker close to the family's home, where Prince Sverre and Mette-Marit's first child from a previous relationship Marius Borg Høiby also went.

Sverre, eight, has also left and started at a new private institution, the Oslo Montessori school in Skådalen, where he is in fourth grade.

Source: the Hello