2020年9月26日 星期六

Phrases for daily conversations


1.放馬後炮 Wiser after event 例子:You can never predict how the game will end but you’re always wiser after the event. (每次比賽你都不能預計比賽的結果,但當比賽一完,你就放馬後炮了。)

2.一樣米養百樣人 Many men, many minds 例子:Many men, many minds. You can never understand why the client thinks in this way. (正所謂一樣米養百樣人,你永遠都不會明白為何那客戶會這樣想。)

3.三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 Two heads are better than one 例子:I asked the team to get together to brainstorm the project because two heads are better than one. (三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮,所以我才叫組員們聚集在一起就這個專案計畫集思廣益。)

4.愛屋及烏 Love me, love my dog 例子:If you love her, you must accept everything about her, even her faults or weaknesses. Love her, love her dog. (如果你愛她,就要接受她的一切,包括她的過錯和缺點。這就是愛屋及烏。)

5.人多好辦事 Many hands make light work 例子:Many hands make light work. The boss gave each of the team members a part and the task was completed in just a few hours. (所謂人多好辦事,老闆給每位組員各分配了一個部分,幾個小時後便把任務完成了。) 除了之前的慣用語,部分英語慣用語喜歡引用食物、植物、動物甚至人體五官,不過若細心留意,便會發覺該慣用的實際意思可能跟牠/它毫無關係。

6.簡直沒有可能 (亦即「豬乸也會上樹」) Pigs might fly 例子:“I’ll return the money tomorrow, I promise.” “Yeah, and pigs might fly.” (「我答應你, 明天一定會還錢。」「是嗎?豬乸也會上樹啦。」)

7.井井有條 In apple-pie order 例子:The secretary kept all his belongings and notes in apple-pie order. (那秘書把他的物件和筆記放得井井有條。)

8.錦上添花 Gild the lily 例子:For such a beautiful lady, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. (如此美麗的女士,化妝亦只是錦上添花。)

9.獨善其身 Keep one’s nose clean 例子:If he doesn’t keep his nose clean, he may be in for trouble again. (如果他不能獨善其身,便可能再次惹上麻煩。) 1.家喻戶曉 On everyone’s lips 例子: Her success story is on everyone’s lips at this moment. (她的成功故事現在已是家喻戶曉了。)

10.膽小如鼠 Timid as a mouse 例子:Shy and quiet, this new receptionist is as timid as a mouse. (這新接待員又怕羞又靜,更是膽小如鼠。) 1.無動於中 Not turn a hair 例子:I was expecting the boss to be furious but she didn’t turn a hair. (我以為老闆會怒氣沖沖,但她卻無動於中。)

1 1.見過世面 Have seen the elephant 例子:The CEO has a range of experiences, good and bad, in her life. She has seen the elephants. 「總裁人生經驗豐富,好的壞的都遇過,是見過世面的人。」