2014年8月4日 星期一

Barack Obama's thoughtful present to Prince George

25 JULY 2014
When Prince George was born, presents came flooding in from around the world. Among them was a particularly thoughtful gift which came all the way from the White House, courtesy of Barack Obama.

The US leader sent Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, née Kate Middleton, a beautiful rocking horse for their son.

The beautiful rocking horse that Barack Obama sent to Prince George

Handmade, the special toy came complete with a saddle bearing the presidential seal. Once he's big enough George can also play at polo – just like his dad does for real – using a toy polo mallet Mr Obama also sent.

This special wooden toy is partly made from a branch of an oak tree which once stood on the South Lawn of the White House.

The royal gift was revealed as part of a Buckingham Palace's new summer exhibition, which is entitled "Royal Chidhood".

It features hundreds of artifacts, including photos, never-seen-before videos, luxury toys and other artifacts which give an insight into the childhoods of 25 members of the royal family.

Prince George celebrated his first birthday.
                                                                From the Hello

A wedding in Batcombe, Somerset

Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, nee Kate Middleton, attended a wedding in Batcombe on Saturday.

The Duke of Cambridge's wife was not afraid to recycle another one of her recognisable dresses. Prince George's mother stepped out in the same Jenny Packham frock she chose to watch William play polo in Santa Barbara as part of their USA and Canada tour in 2011.

To attend a wedding at the weekend, Kate chose a dress she wore in 2011

Back then she accessorised the gown with LK Bennett open toe heels and a Natalie clutch bag from the same label. For this weekend's wedding Kate was seen donning a fashionable fascinator to complete the look. The couple were no doubt the talk of Batcombe, which is a village and civil parish in the Mendip District of Somerset, England.

The parish has a population of 439, and it's likely locals would have been keeping up with the festivities surrounding George's birthday earlier this week.

From the Hello


許多人都有突然胃痛的經驗,嚴重的胃痛會讓人十分痛苦, 以下提供了能夠快速紓緩胃痛的好方式。

1. 洋甘菊茶:由於鎮靜與抗炎的特性,洋甘菊茶能紓緩包括胃痛在內的腹部不適。

2. 薑茶:薑的抗炎特性可以中和胃酸、增加消化液,薑辣素的活性則可以減少噁心和腹部不適,同時減少自由基的產生,於是薑茶就成為舒緩胃痛的有力配方。

3. 新鮮檸檬汁:檸檬是最多功能的超級食物之一 (特別可以為肝臟解毒),將 1/4 或半顆新鮮檸檬擠汁加入溫水慢慢飲用,胃痛可立即獲得舒緩。

4. 蘋果醋:幾茶匙的蘋果醋混合純水 (冷熱均可) 飲用即可幫助紓緩胃部不適。

5. 椰子汁:椰子汁對胃痛有鎮靜效果,由於高電解質含量,喝了使人感到神清氣爽;椰子汁還含有鉀和天然維生素 C。

6. 優格:優格可以紓緩胃部不適,因為內含豐富的益生菌,能夠幫助消化回到正軌。

7. 蘋果醬:蘋果醬既好消化又能紓緩腹瀉,熱量也能讓人可以止飢。

8. 米飯、馬鈴薯或是燕麥等澱粉類食物:這些食物能覆蓋胃壁、紓緩胃痛並促進消化,它們既不刺激胃酸倒流、也不會在胃部停留過久。