2014年11月1日 星期六

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Wedding

The long-expected wedding ceremony of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt was a real surprise for fans as well as for the friends of the couple.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt_

The wedding of the most popular and beautiful couple in Hollywood was very modest and family. Besides their six neat children the event was attended by the parents, brothers and sisters of the groom, as well as the bride’s younger brother. Brad found a way to honor Angelina’s mother, who, unfortunately, died of cancer in 2007.

At the altar the actor set at a special stone engraved with the name of Marcheline Bertrand on it. So the memory became a so-called invisible witness an important event.

 At their wedding Brad and Angie decided to play only at the children’s request. And they were the main ceremony participants. In addition to wedding dresses, the kids helped to write wedding vows for parents.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt+
A 10-year-old Pax participated in the cake preparation. “It was an unusual situation. It was like if all eight of us were getting married” 

Sophia Loren, 80, finally explains that famous photo with Jayne Mansfield taken in 1957

Sophia Loren is caught staring down at Jayne Mansfield's ample cleavage as they sit side-by-side during a fancy cocktail party at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 1957.

The photo that raised millions of eyebrows: Sophia Loren gave a disapproving look at Jayne Mansfield in 1957 during a cocktail party at the Beverly Hills Hotel; the beauty told Entertainment Weekly she was 'afraid' of the blonde's cleavage
The photo that raised millions of eyebrows: Sophia Loren gave a disapproving look at Jayne 

Mansfield in 1957 during a cocktail party at the Beverly Hills Hotel; the beauty told Entertainment Weekly she was 'afraid' of the blonde's cleavage

'Look at that picture. Where are my eyes?' Sophia told the publication.

'I'm staring at her nipples because I am afraid they are about to come onto my plate.'
Indeed, the beauty - whose new memoir Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: My Life will be released on Tuesday - looks put out that Jayne would let her chest be on such blatant display

Quite a career: The 80-year-old movie star, seen in 2012, has written a new memoir that is out Tuesday
Quite a career: The 80-year-old movie star, seen in 2012, has written a new memoir that is out Tuesday

The Boy On A Dolphin star added, 'In my face you can see the fear. I'm so frightened that everything in her dress is going to blow - BOOM! - and spill all over the table.'

While Loren looked stylish in a black dress with a halter style strap, Mansfield chose a very low-cut dress in satin.
Though both were big movie stars at the time, each was in a different orbit.

An icon, always: The Italian looker in an alluring set-up shoot in her home in Naples in 1952
An icon, always: The Italian looker in an alluring set-up shoot in her home in Naples in 1952

Sophia was considered nearly Italian royalty for her work in The Pride And The Passion and Legend Of The Lost (both 1957), while Jayne was seen as a C class Marilyn Monroe thanks to parts as cheap, bubble-headed women in The Girl Can't Help It (1956) and Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1958).

While Loren went on to star in dozens of more films such as El Cid (1961), The Fall Of The Roman Empire (1964), Arabesque (1966), Man Of La Mancha (1972), and The Cassandra Crossing (1976), Mansfield died in June 1967 in Slidell, LA during a car accident.

The blonde bombshell's daughter is Mariska Hargitay, 50, of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit fame. 

Bella, bella: The actress here in 1957 would go on to star in dozens of movies
Bella, bella: The actress here in 1957 would go on to star in dozens of movies


在经历了几年感情不和、离婚风波、抑郁症缠身,大美女林青霞又舒展眉头释放笑容,其夫 邢李源为纪念两人2014年结婚20周年而专门修建价值六亿的皇宫豪宅已曝光,而同时段,她与继女的关系也被揭开。
这些年里,林青霞名利双收,坐享 豪门阔太地位,但总有批判者提及旧事,批判林青霞当年如何爱慕虚荣嫁 豪门甩秦汉,还有那著名的二秦二林的岁月依稀就在昨天 。  

有人评林青霞与秦汉的分手是爱慕虚荣的行为,否则怎么交往了那么多年,闹到都形单影只,明明可以结婚了,却还是劳燕分飞 。但看林青霞前半生,情感经营的确实有些迷茫,在琼瑶剧里真把自己当成了真正的女主角,顺理成章的看上男主角秦汉,后来还有另外 一个与男主角旗鼓相当的秦祥林,三个人纠缠不休 。  

   而事实证明,秦祥林也不过是牺牲品,是林青霞的情感挡箭牌,无法嫁给秦汉就企图转移目标,可惜一番努力失败告终,自己伤心欲绝,继续与为她离婚的秦汉交往,还是没有任何结果,枉费青春 。我们惯看风花雪月,体会秦汉青霞对于缘分的无奈,并非感情深就得深似海,就没有分开各过各的余地 。  

年近四十,林青霞遇见了 邢李源这位其貌不扬但腰缠万贯的男子,从婚纱照上细细品味,东方不败嫁给 邢李源,外形真是极其不匹配, 乃至后来的两个女儿也没能继承她的优良基因, 可 没什么可惜,毕竟 笑容异常甜美,发自内心的东西永远无法掩饰,不容忽略的幸福也油然而生,这些照片,可能是暗暗对着秦汉宣誓自己现在的处境,不为林生,不为秦死,就为自己而活 。林青霞旺夫相似乎已超越了那些偏激的认定非要金童玉女才养眼的规律的人的想法,这些年,她还真是很旺夫,也很会低调的处理婚变 。有时,富商不证明就是土豪老大粗,找 一个土豪做朋友是每个人的终极梦想,恐怕让任何 一个女子嫁给乞丐来证明自己不爱财,那都只是人生中的一次行星撞地球的小概率事件 。  

随之,林青霞事业的巅峰在漂移,但家庭的巅峰在升级,我们见证她的东方不败女扮男装的反串留名影史,也见证她在女神变邢太过程,脸上依然挂着的灿烂春花,与继女的相处从隔阂到兼容 。有些东西不是金钱能完成的,范冰冰说过自己就是 豪门,而在影坛身份如此高大上的林青霞,在那个年代也可以自称 豪门了,她选择了 一个 豪门,因为 豪门的背后有她需要的更真的东西 。当机立断的真爱才能让感情走的更长久,拖拖拉拉的痴心自古都是自欺欺人

以前她是清透文艺的美,现在则是华贵淡定的美,她还出了一本名叫《窗里窗外》的书,不仅把心态写在脸上,还写进了书里 。
据台湾媒体报道,圈内不少女星嫁人后直接升格当“后妈”,如 林青霞20年前嫁给富商邢李时,就得照顾他前妻所生的6岁女儿邢嘉倩,莫文蔚2011年嫁给德裔丈夫Johanners时,对方已有3个小孩,李玟同年嫁给富商Bruce时,他两个女儿还当伴娘, 李心洁与 徐若瑄也是婚后直接当现成的妈,里面最成功的继母非 林青霞莫属,邢嘉倩唤她“妈妈”,让她曾开心说:“比亲生还亲
林青霞曾透露,她刚嫁给邢李时,邢嘉倩很排斥,她后来每晚拍背哄邢嘉倩入睡,视如己出照顾,即使后来生了两女儿邢爱林、邢言爱,也没偏心,邢嘉倩长大后,母女常一起出席时尚趴,像无话不谈的姐妹, 林青霞曾说:“我很幸运,她有心事都跟我说 。”


 林青霞 和拥有250亿港币(约965亿台币)身家的老公邢李火原结婚18年,屡传婚变,令她不胜其扰。但据香港《3周刊》报道,由于邢斥资约5亿的豪宅将落成,待一家入住后,夫妻感情肯定更胜从前。



    中新网9月6日电 据台湾《苹果日报》消息,1994年嫁给香港富商邢李原淡出演艺圈,就住在香港九龙飞鹅山道8号的豪宅当少奶奶。


